Élection à la Commission permanente de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge

The next election of the Standing Commission will be held at the 34th International Conference which will take place from 28 to 31 October 2024 in Geneva.

Please find here the Call for nominations letter, inviting candidates to submit their nominations to the Electoral Committee, and below, documents and information about the nomination and election process.

  • Functions and composition of the Standing Commission

    The Statutes of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement define the Standing Commission (SC) as “the trustee of the International Conference between two Conferences, carrying out the functions laid down in Article 18”.

    Further, the Statutes require that the Standing Commission shall comprise nine members:
    • Five members of different National Societies, each elected in their personal capacity by the International Conference;
    • Two representatives of the ICRC, one of whom shall be the President;
    • Two representatives of the International Federation, one of whom shall be the President.

    Visit the website of the Standing Commission: www.standcom.ch
  • Information on nominations

    Candidates must be members of a National Society of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. They are invited to complete and submit the attached Nomination Form. More detailed information on the functions of the Standing Commission and on the requirements vis-à-vis its members and the candidates for the election are available below, in particular in the Guidelines for Candidates to the Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent adopted by the Council of Delegates in 2019 (Resolution 4).
    Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit nominations to the Electoral Committee at least sixty days before the opening of the International Conference. i.e., by 29 August 2024 in order to enhance the electoral process. That being said, as per Rule 21 of the Rules of Procedure of the Movement, nominations for the Standing Commission may still be delivered to the Chair of the Conference Bureau until 28 October 2024 (i.e. 48 hours before the opening of the meeting in which the election will take place). Candidates are also urged to carefully read the Campaign Standards  and ensure their compliance.
    Members of the Standing Commission are elected in a personal capacity. When electing the five members of the Standing Commission, members of the 34th International Conference are urged to take into account the personal qualities and the principle of fair geographical distribution as well as equitable gender balance, notably by choosing at least two women and two men among the candidates.

    How to submit candidacies
    To be valid, nominations must be submitted in one of the four working languages of the Conference and include all the following documents duly completed and signed:

    Please submit nomination forms and required documents to the Electoral Committee:
    –            by email to:     election@standcom.ch
    –            by post to: c/o Secretariat of the Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, 19 Avenue de la Paix, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
  • List of candidates

    Nomination forms will be translated into all four working languages and posted on a rolling basis in this section as soon as the eligibility is confirmed. The Bureau of the International Conference will also circulate all nominations 24 hours before the election.
  • Election procedure

    As per the current draft provisional agenda and programme, the elections will be held on 30 October 2024 and conducted by way of electronic voting. An informal ‘Meet the Candidates’ session will be organized on 29 October 2024.
    Please refer to the Guidance on the Election of the Standing Commission.
    *Additional information on the election procedure will be provided before the 34th International Conference.*