A) Objectifs de l’engagement
Recognizing the important work that National Committees on International Humanitarian Law (NC IHL) have accomplished to promote knowledge and implementation of rules and principles of IHL, we are committed to promote and strengthen its role as a consultative body for the implementation of IHL in Bulgaria.
B) Plan d’action
The Government and the National Society of Bulgaria jointly pledge
- IHL implementation at the level of national legal frameworks
- – to undertake a compatibility study of the national implementation of international humanitarian law through review of the national legislation;
- – to propose measures to implement IHL, including measures of regulatory nature, public policies, dissemination, among others
2. Dissemination of IHL
- – to promote the dissemination of IHL through trainings to different stakeholders such as academia (researchers, professors, university authorities, students), armed and police forces, prosecutors, judges, public officials, lawyers among others;
- – to work with the academia to strengthen the dissemination of IHL;
- – to organize expert meetings and dissemination events to generate exchanges among different actors involved with IHL.
3. Exchange of information
- – to participate in regional and universal meetings of national committees on IHL, whenever possible;
- – to promote the exchange of information among national committees;
- – to promote the participation of national committees on IHL in the digital community for national committees and similar entities on IHL, promoted by the ICRC.
C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:
- – Number of meetings held by the national committee on IHL per year.
- – Number of trainings, meetings of experts, working groups, among other activities related to IHL.
- – Number of exchanges of information, in person or in digital form, among national committees on IHL.
- – Number of follow-up reports related to the progress on IHL.
D) Ressources nécessaires: