
Pledge on Health Care and Climate Change by the Government of Viet Nam

A) Objectifs de l’engagement:

In accordance with the Paris Agreement adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,


Guided by United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals,


In line with the Government’s Resolution No. 120/NQ-CP of 17 November 2017 on sustainable development of the Mekong Delta in response to climate change;


In line with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2139/QĐ-TTg of 05 December 2011 on Approving the National Strategy on Climate Change;


In line with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1670/QĐ-TTg of 31 October 2017 on Approving the National Target Program for Climate Change Response and Green Growth for 2016-2020;


Considering climate change’s severe impacts on many regions and localities across the country, including drought, salinity intrusion, floods, landslides, environmental pollution, clean water shortage, etc. which negatively affect the health care system and people’s health,


Considering that it has scientifically been proven that rising temperature contributes to an increased risk of dengue fever, diarrhea, hand-foot-and-mouth disease and increased hospitalization rate, especially for the elderly and children, and that changes in climate such as humidity, rainfall and temperature are likely to increase infectious and emerging diseases such as dengue, malaria, AH5N1, H1N1 and Zika disease, etc,


The Government of the Socialist Republic Republic of Viet Nam makes the following pledge:


Further strengthening climate change mitigation and adaptation capacity of governmental authorities and communities, with a view to incorporate climate change risks into the health care system, contributing to the improvement of health care services and people’s health in the context of climate change.


B) Plan d’action

Developing and improving policies and institutional measures in the health care sector in response to climate change.


Raising awareness and enhancing capacity of health care staff and the community in health care in the context of climate change.


Strengthening the health care system’s resilience in response to climate change with priority given to the grass-root levels of the system.

C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:

Climate change adaptation is integrated into at least 70% of the Ministry of Health’s policy decisions and regulations on community health, medical examination and treatment, disease prevention, medical equipment and facilities, natural disaster prevention and food safety.


All provinces and municipalities issue their own Climate Change Response Action Plan in Health Care sector at provincial level, or integrate the health care sector’s climate change response into the local socio-economic development plan, or integrate climate change response in the provincial 5-year plans and annual plans of the health care sector.


All local health care staff are informed and trained on climate change response in the health sector.


All provinces and municipalities organize education, training and communication activities on climate change and community health.


At least 80% of newly built health care facilities apply measures addressing the impacts of climate change.


70% of commune and ward health stations in areas vulnerable to the impacts of climate change have sufficient capacity and facilities to ensure effective response to natural disasters and extreme weather phenomenons.

D) Ressources nécessaires:

Total estimated budget for the above health care activities and projects in response to climate change is about VND 2,000 billion, which would be funded by central and local governmental budgets; technical and financial support of local and international organizations, individuals, enterprises and donors, and other sources.


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