A) Objectives of the pledge:
To reduce possible damages caused by future mega-disasters expected to happen, we will:
– Promote knowledge, raise awareness and improve necessary skills for disaster preparedness in local communities.
B) Action plan:
– Target is citizens and they will be divided into two groups, adults and young people, in order to provide appropriate disaster preparedness educational program according to their stage of development.
– For adults, in 2016, we’ll first develop materials for disaster preparedness and train trainers, including volunteer trainers, at the communities level (such as at community associations) or at the primary school level in each prefecture. Then we’ll start promoting the disaster preparedness program widely.
– For young people, we have started disseminating textbooks to schools free of charge. We encourage schools to have disaster preparedness education into their curriculum and to increase the visibility of the program by launching advertising campaigns and organizing seminars.
– Target numbers will be set in due course when both programs for adults and young people start fully working. The program will be promoted, managed and modified accordingly.
C) Indicators for measuring progress:
D) Resource implications: