
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 7: Disaster laws and policies that leave no one behind (33IC/19/R7) – Austrian Red Cross

  1. Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle incorporé les engagements contenus dans cette résolution dans les plans stratégiques ou opérationnels pertinents ?


    Les engagements sont incorporés dans les documents suivants:
    Plan opérationnel

    Au Régional, National, Local niveau

    Précisions :

    The Austrian RC is continuously advocating for disaster policies that leave no one behind. Special focus at the moment is on the humanitarian consequences of climate change.

    Climate change adaptation and action takes place across all operational fields of the organization. The Austrian RC has developed the “Sustainability Charter of the Austrian RC” which is essentially a national translation of the Climate and Environmental Charta for Humanitarian Organisations and contains 5 central commitments, that are implemented all the way down from the national to the local level.

    The recognition as auxiliary to the public authorities in terms of disaster management which is reflected not just by the recognition in the federal Red Cross law but also by the integration in the National Crisis and Disaster Management (SKKM) mechanism that enables efficient disaster management in Austria and abroad based on cooperation between all competent authorities and rescue organizations at federal and provincial level. (Ministry of Interior)

  2. Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle coopéré avec d’autres partenaires aux fins de la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution ?


    Partenariats avec :
    Gouvernement et/ou autorités publiques
    CICR/Fédération internationale
    Autres Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge ou du Croissant-Rouge
    Partenaires de l’humanitaire et du développement (par ex. Nations Unies, organisations non gouvernementales, etc.)

    Exemples de coopération :

    On-going exchange with all relevant stakeholders in the field of disaster and crises management.

  3. Vous êtes-vous heurté·e à des difficultés dans la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution?


    Difficultés rencontrées :
    Priorités concurrentes

    Précisions au sujet des difficultés :

    Yes, Austrian RC is faced with a kind of “missing state of mind” or lack of a sense of urgency about the humanitarian, social, economic needs evolving from the climate crises in conversations, actions and policies. With little public debate on the upcoming transformations induced by climate change, there is also little public understanding of the urgency to take consolidated and comprehensive action.

  4. Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu une ou des incidences sur l’action et les orientations de votre État/Société nationale/institution ?


    Précisions au sujet des incidences :

    According to the “Sustainability Charter of the Austrian RC” which is already mentioned above, there is a direct impact on the way we work and operate as a National Society. In particular building capacities and disseminating the relevant knowledge among staff and volunteers is central the the Charter.

  5. Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu des incidences sur les communautés auxquelles votre État/Société nationale/institution vient en aide ?


    Description des incidences :

    As the Austrian RC is literally anywhere in Austria and the main actor in health response, every improvement of our system directly translates into a higher impact on communities.

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