
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 4: Restoring Family Links while respecting privacy, including as it relates to personal data protection (33IC/19/R4) – The Canadian Red Cross Society

  1. Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle incorporé les engagements contenus dans cette résolution dans les plans stratégiques ou opérationnels pertinents ?


    Les engagements sont incorporés dans les documents suivants:
    Plan opérationnel

    Au International, Régional, National niveau

    Précisions :

    The CRC embraced the principles of the Movement’s RFL Code of Conduct on Data Protection and RFL Strategy 2020-2025 by applying them into the RFL procedures/processes and by utilizing the RFL personal data protection tools developed by the ICRC CTA, ensuring compliance with Canada’s laws on Data Protection. The CRC utilizes:

    • The ICRC secured RFL web portal. It is the main tool for internal communication for members of the Family Links Network that houses all information/guidelines related to RFL activities, which include countries’ criteria and RFL emergency and operational updates.
    • The secured Case Management platform named FL ANSWERS (Family Links Application for National Societies for Worldwide Enquiry and RFL Services) has been developed by the ICRC for National Societies’ RFL activities.
    The ICRC’s secure tools to transfer protection related files (electronic documents related to RFL caseload that contain Personal Data) between and among National Societies and ICRC.

  2. Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle coopéré avec d’autres partenaires aux fins de la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution ?


    Partenariats avec :
    Gouvernement et/ou autorités publiques
    CICR/Fédération internationale
    Autres Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge ou du Croissant-Rouge

    Exemples de coopération :

    Following discussions with Consular Affairs and ICRC, CRC expanded RFL general eligibility/acceptance criteria to address enquiries about Canadian citizens detained or unaccounted for in the context of armed conflict (including family members allegedly arrested/detained in connection to the armed conflict), provided there is an ICRC Delegation or National Society in the country concerned delivering RFL services.

    CRC continued visits to detention centres where people who are detained under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. During these visits, RFL services are offered to detainees, if appropriate.
    CRC has been strengthening collaboration within the Movement’s RFL Network in the context of migration by:
    · Collaborating with National Societies within the Americas Region (American RC, Mexican RC)
    · Utilizing the ICRC Trace the Face platform (online tracing tool, created by the ICRC to help solve tracing cases of people who have gone missing along the migratory route)
    · Participating as a member of the Ocean Viking Salamats Signal Group. As a member of this group, CRC supports the delivery of messages to family members from migrants rescued at sea by the SOS MEDITERRANEE and IFRC operated, Ocean Viking search and rescue ship.

  3. Vous êtes-vous heurté·e à des difficultés dans la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution?


    Difficultés rencontrées :
    Manque de capacités et/ou de soutien (technique, financier ou autre)

    Précisions au sujet des difficultés :

    CRC faced challenges in RFL search capacities due to lack of access to certain records and key personal information. Additionally, during the reporting period, CRC’s main referral partner stopped accepting family tracing enquiries due to increased privacy laws that have made locating missing persons more challenging.

  4. Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu une ou des incidences sur l’action et les orientations de votre État/Société nationale/institution ?


    Type d’incidence :
    Des outils/méthodes innovateurs ont été élaborés et sont utilisés.

  5. Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu des incidences sur les communautés auxquelles votre État/Société nationale/institution vient en aide ?

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