
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 4: Restoring Family Links while respecting privacy, including as it relates to personal data protection (33IC/19/R4) – American Red Cross

Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle incorporé les engagements contenus dans cette résolution dans les plans stratégiques ou opérationnels pertinents ?


Les engagements sont incorporés dans les documents suivants:
Plan opérationnel

Au International, Régional, National niveau

Précisions :

The RFL team at NHQ and in the regions is using a secure application (FLA) for case management that is protected by multifactor authentication along with our Single Sign On to add an additional layer of protection. This system is an internal secure environment that is used for data transfer by 70+ national societies and all ICRC delegations. We also use an ICRC managed tool for secure file transfers that has also been, through our assistance, adopted by SAF to use when working with national societies. We have implemented use of the Information Notice and Authorization Forms that inform clients of their rights on data protection and how their information is managed. We work with our federal government partners to ensure access to unaccompanied and separated children in custody of the federal government to work toward reunifying them with their families. Since October 2023 we started to require completion of the data and privacy awareness trainings for anyone who has access to PII for clients. Two RFL staff at NHQ attended a week-long Data Protection Officer in Humanitarian Action training hosted by ICRC and Maastricht University.

Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle coopéré avec d’autres partenaires aux fins de la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution ?


Partenariats avec :
Société nationale de la Croix-Rouge ou du Croissant-Rouge de votre pays
Gouvernement et/ou autorités publiques
CICR/Fédération internationale
Autres Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge ou du Croissant-Rouge

Exemples de coopération :

Internally, in FY23 the RFL team coordinated with the SAF Hero Care Center to facilitate access to the Secure File Exchange (SFE) tool managed by ICRC to ensure continuity of service to service members with families overseas.

MOA signed with ORR in 2023 to ensure access to unaccompanied and separated children in the custody of the US Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). As children they fall under a particularly sensitive category of beneficiaries.

Ongoing relationship with ICRC in development of the case management tool. The American Red Cross is a member the Implementation Group. Vicente Baamonde-Antelo through January 2024 and now Jemina Shikany.

The American Red Cross was in a leadership role until January 2024 in the regional RFL group comprised of the US and all countries in Central America and Mexico, AmerCAN. This role involved leadership to support these national societies as they navigated adopting the use of the SFE exchange, FLA, and the Information Notice and Authorization forms.

Vous êtes-vous heurté·e à des difficultés dans la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution?


Difficultés rencontrées :
Ressources humaines
Priorités concurrentes
Manque de capacités et/ou de soutien (technique, financier ou autre)

Précisions au sujet des difficultés :

The RFL team size was reduced. The RFL team had a full-time manager position until 2021.

Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu une ou des incidences sur l’action et les orientations de votre État/Société nationale/institution ?


Type d’incidence :
La coopération entre le gouvernement/les autorités publiques et la Société nationale a été renforcée.
La formation et les capacités du personnel et des volontaires ont été renforcées (pour les Sociétés nationales).

Précisions au sujet des incidences :

The MOA with ORR increased cooperation with ORR and requiring the completion of the data and privacy awareness trainings for anyone who has access to PII for clients increased training level of both paid and volunteer staff.

Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu des incidences sur les communautés auxquelles votre État/Société nationale/institution vient en aide ?
