A) Objectifs de l’engagement
The Belgian Government (the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid) and the Belgian Red Cross are committed to continue to work towards a partnership-model that improves the effectiveness and efficiency of the humanitarian assistance.
They will ensure the partnership-model will consider the following priorities:
- Risk-mitigation, in order to turn vulnerabilities into self-reliance and maximize preparedness to respond, before disasters hit.
- Rapid action in case of emergency, in order to save lives and safeguard human dignity when any minute counts.
- Reliable and well-planned support in protracted crises and forgotten disasters to alleviate persistent humanitarian needs while fostering possibilities for development.
- Limited administrative burdens, allowing for an increased focus on what matters most: impactful humanitarian action which translates the Belgian humanitarian strategy to concrete results.
- Adapted financing instruments that allow for a true practical application of the Nexus concepts (humanitarian aid – development – peace) and aid localization, taking into account on-the-ground realities and the capacities of local partners.
- Maintaining and deepening the collaboration on protection in humanitarian settings by supporting and prioritizing good quality, safe programming and monitoring, and the maximisation of the protective impact of humanitarian action.
- Maintaining a permanent dialogue between the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid and the Belgian Red Cross and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and acknowledges the unique role of the Belgian Red Cross as Auxiliary to the Belgian government.
B) Plan d’action
By 2025, Belgium and Belgian Red Cross commit to discuss the best partnership-models that would allow for an increase in assistance efficiency and effectiveness and a stronger partnership.
By 2027, Belgium and the Belgian Red Cross have, if need, where possible, be and according to their respective roles, adjusted their procedures and administrative frameworks in order to increase assistance efficiency and effectiveness through their partnership.
C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:
- Meetings organized between the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid and Belgian Red Cross in order to evaluate the past results and the future actions to take and discuss the partnership.
- Belgian Red Cross playing the role of privileged interlocutor between the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid and the IFRC, as well as in monitoring and visibility within the framework of funding by the Belgian Development Cooperation of the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) and International Federation appeals.
- Belgian Red Cross recognized as an Institutional Actor or any category that better reflects than NGO’s one the specific role of the National Society, while maintaining its operational structure and access to humanitarian funding.
D) Ressources nécessaires:
Engagement and resources from the governement and National Society of the Red Cross of the Kingdom of Belgium