
Strengthen Domestic Implementation of International Humanitarian Law in Military Operations

A) Objectifs de l’engagement

The 33rd International Conference’s theme of international humanitarian law (IHL) recognizes the importance of complying with IHL for the protection of people in armed conflict. IHL is specially adapted to the circumstances of armed conflict, and improving IHL implementation strengthens protections for victims of armed conflict.
Each State already has obligations with respect to the good faith implementation of its IHL obligations. States should strive to implement their IHL obligations as effectively as possible and to share their good practices in this regard. The objective of this pledge is to help improve States’ implementation of their IHL obligations.

B) Plan d’action

Each Pledging State undertakes to strengthen the implementation of IHL protections in military operations through the following measures in peacetime and in the context of armed conflict:


-Instituting effective programs within their armed forces to help ensure compliance with IHL obligations, which include:

-Dissemination of IHL to the armed forces and periodic training of members of the armed forces on IHL;

-Legal advisers advising commanders and other decision-makers within the armed forces on IHL;

-Instructions, regulations, and procedures reflecting IHL standards and establishing processes for ensuring compliance with IHL;

-Internal mechanisms for the reporting of incidents involving potential IHL violations;

-Assessments, investigations, inquiries, or other reviews of incidents involving potential IHL violations; and

-Corrective actions, as appropriate.


-Developing and implementing good practices that, although they may not be legally required, enhance IHL protections, including in the areas of the care for detainees and the protection of civilians.


-Sharing legal interpretations and good practices with other States, non-governmental organizations, and the public, through, for example, the online publication of reports, military manuals, speeches, and working papers contributed to intergovernmental bodies related to IHL, as well as by reporting to the 34th International Conference, as appropriate, on measures taken to strengthen domestic implementation of IHL in military operations

C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:


D) Ressources nécessaires: