
Social cohesion

A) Objectifs de l’engagement:

Republic of Poland and its National Red Cross Society (PRC) pledge to promote understanding, non-violence and respect for cultural, linguistic and religious diversity in the Polish community, including through providing educational activities which foster humanitarian values and, where possible, building partnerships to promote dialogue and inclusion.

B) Plan d’action

– implementation of educational programs shaping proper social attitudes among children, youth, adults and seniors

– participation of PRC youth in trainings on social cohesion

– participation of PRC in partnership and thematic networks on social cohesion

C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:

– number of people covered by educational programs

– educational materials (textbooks, online tabs, applications, etc.)

– the number of trainings and meetings regarding social cohesion

D) Ressources nécessaires:

– raising public awareness of social cohesion

– support for national advocacy in the area of social cohesion

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