
RFL:Overall improvement of the GRCS RFL programme

A) Objectifs de l’engagement:

To facilitate the improvement of RFL services in Grenada, with an effort to strengthening the auxiliary role to national authorities, while collaborating with sister National societies and other partners to be better poised to provide these services.

B) Plan d’action

– Through the support of AmerCAR/IFRC, train at least 1 member to be the GRCS RFL focal person


– An assessment as to what pertains, in order to update and adapt relevant RFL protocols.


– On completion of #1 the GRCS RFL focal person will train at least 5 volunteers/staff to create a task force specific to this service.


– The task force shall be responsible for surveillance, monitoring and reporting on RFL matters


C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:

– GRCS Focal point trained


– Assessment report of RFL situation at GRCS completed


– Completion of training for 5 volunteers/staff and Task force formed with TR in place


– Development of protocols specific to Grenada


– Data capture programme.


– Reporting mechanisms in place


D) Ressources nécessaires:

– RFL trainers provided by AmerCAR/IFRC.


– Training replicated to the GRCS volunteers/Staff


– Information technology for training purposes and data management


– Information management and Reporting capacities


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