

A) Objectifs de l’engagement:

Jointly with the RA government, we pledge:

  • To contribute to improving the quality of the provided health and social services and increasing the scale to reach greater number of people with these services.

B) Plan d’action

  • In cooperation with RA Government, particularly with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of labor and Social affairs and Ministry of Education, science, culture and sport contribute to improving the quality of the provided health and social services and increasing the number of the beneficiaries;
  • Organize and actively participate in round tables and other meetings and initiatives with the relevant state agencies; networking;
  • Keep legislative key issues in partners’ focus and advocate for integrating efforts in improving health plans, laws and policies;
  • Continue provision of wide range of health, social care services, particularly homebased care, NCD prevention, health in emergencies, TB prevention and psychosocial support, heathy life style promotion, active/healthy ageing, awareness raising campaigns;
  • Development of information sets on health/social topics with subsequent inclusion into the presentations for the NS staff, health workers and other stakeholders; organization of trainings;
  • Continue sharing experience, tools, approaches and good practice.

C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:

  • In cooperation with RA Government, particularly with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of labor and Social affairs and Ministry of Education, science, culture and sport contribute to improving the quality of the provided health and social services and increasing the number of the beneficiaries;
  • Organize and actively participate in round tables and other meetings and initiatives with the relevant state agencies; networking;
  • Keep legislative key issues in partners’ focus and advocate for integrating efforts in improving health plans, laws and policies;
  • Continue provision of wide range of health, social care services, particularly homebased care, NCD prevention, health in emergencies, TB prevention and psychosocial support, heathy life style promotion, active/healthy ageing, awareness raising campaigns;
  • Development of information sets on health/social topics with subsequent inclusion into the presentations for the NS staff, health workers and other stakeholders; organization of trainings;
  • Continue sharing experience, tools, approaches and good practice.

D) Ressources nécessaires:

Technical support, financial support/resources, consultants/experts support, available materials

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