International humanitarian law and protection of the environment

A) Objectifs de l’engagement

Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society acknowledges that armed conflicts may cause direct and indirect damage to the natural environment. IHL aims to protect the civilian population and civilian objects during armed conflict. These rules seek to protect the natural environment without which human life is impossible and sets limits on the damage that can be caused to it by warring Parties.

Increased awareness of the environmental impact of armed conflicts on the natural environment and the need to take this into account in the planning and conduct of military options to protect the natural environment is therefore crucial.

This pledge is related to the resolution titled, “Building a Universal Culture of Compliance with International Humanitarian Law.”

Advocating for adherence by Parties of armed conflict to the existing IHL rules

Advocating for increased integration of IHL into domestic law

B) Plan d’action

  1. Encourage States to engage in continued dialogue on good practices related to the appropriate implementation of IHL obligations protecting the natural environment.
  2. Encourage adherence by Parties of armed conflicts, of the existing IHL rules protecting the natural environment in armed conflict, restated in the Guidelines On The Protection Of The Natural Environment In Armed Conflict
  3. Encourage identification of protected zones (akin to protection of cultural heritage sites) and designation of these demilitarized zones with other enhanced protection in the event of an armed conflict.
  4. Take action to increase knowledge and awareness of IHL and other relevant international law protecting the environment in armed conflict, as appropriate, through publications, organization of dissemination campaigns.
  5. To promote/advocate for integration of international humanitarian law and environmental wartime protection into relevant national legislation, law of armed conflict/military manuals, and military orders or directives, or related policy documents, and encourage participation by those most vulnerable to the environmental impacts of armed conflict in the drafting process.


C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:

  • Number of expert meetings/conferences on IHL and protection of the environment, bringing together State, armed forces, other relevant actors and affected communities
  • Number of participants in such expert meetings/conferences on IHL and the protection of the environment, particularly participation of local communities present in areas of particular environment importance or fragility
  • Number of IHL dissemination activities which incorporate IHL and protection of the environment and involve participation of the wider community. Dissemination activities may include statements, seminars and expert exchanges on the topic of IHL and protection of the natural environment
  • Number of actions taken to incorporate IHL in national, legal, administrative and institutional frameworks including military operational documents and policy guidance


D) Ressources nécessaires:

[States and/or National Societies will determine the resources that may be required to carry out this pledge based on the objectives they set and the actions they choose to take in their specific context.]