A) Objectifs de l’engagement
Republic of Poland and Polish Red Cross jointly pledge to consolidate their regular dialogue and continue to build upon their strong partnership in order to reinforce the dissemination of IHL, including the emblem protection, in Poland
B) Plan d’action
– continuing dialogue and cooperation through the National IHL Committee to share knowledge about ongoing processes and activities (e.g. digital emblem, LAWS, etc.)
– rising awareness on IHL and emblem protection among different stakeholders, including parliamentarians
– assessing the current legal framework on the protection and use of the emblem and suggesting recommendations to improve the compliance with it
C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:
-publication and promotion of the voluntary report on IHL implementation
– organization of trainings and events on IHL and emblem protection for different stakeholders, including parliamentarians
– number of emblem misuses decreased
D) Ressources nécessaires:
Republic of Poland and the Polish Red Cross will determine the human, financial and technical resources that may be required to support the implementation of this pledge based on actions to be taken.