
Improving Casualty Recording in Armed Conflict

A) Objectifs de l’engagement:

This pledge is founded on the principle that no death should go unrecorded. Casualty recording in armed conflict involves the standardised and systematic documentation of direct deaths so that all may be promptly recorded, correctly identified and publicly acknowledged.

<p>We hereby pledge that in the years 2015-19, we will:</p>

    • Support and encourage governments and civil society to embrace the principle that every death in armed conflict be recorded;


    • Support activities which increase understanding of the ways in which casualty recording can strengthen compliance with International Humanitarian Law;


    • Support the development of commonly agreed standards for casualty recording and their implementation.


B) Plan d’action

Proposed Evaluation Criteria:

Governments and National Societies

    • Attend meetings organised on the subject of casualty recording and contribute their experiences and views on advancing its implementation.


    • Engage with the review of casualty recording standards due to be initiated in 2016.


    • Monitor and report advances in policy and implementation of casualty recording in their sphere of interest.


C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:


D) Ressources nécessaires:


The International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, in its function as Trustee of the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (the Conference), cannot be held responsible or liable in any manner for any user-generated content or posts on this Database. In the event that the Website team considers any post or content to be incompatible with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and/or with the objectives of the Conference, it reserves the right to remove such content.