
Continuation of promotion and implementation of international humanitarian law (IHL)

A) Objectifs de l’engagement

The National Inter-Institutional Commission on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law and Georgia Red Cross Society jointly pledge to continue to cooperate closely to promote respect for and implementation of IHL, including dissemination.


The National Inter-Institutional Commission on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law is composed of the representatives from the relevant ministries, the national agencies, and the Parliament of Georgia.


Since 2014, the Georgia Red Cross Society (GRCS) has been involved in the implementation process of the International Humanitarian Law National Action Plan as an observer, as has the International Committee of Red Cross. One of the most effective ways to implement IHL at the national level is to implement it according to the National Action Plan.


During armed conflict, the personnel of arms carries (armed forces, national guard, law enforcement/police bodies) has to be aware of the red cross, red crescent, red crystal emblems, designation, and legal usage. Georgia and its National Inter-Institutional Commission on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law and Red Cross Society maintain their partnership relations in promotion, dissemination, and implementation of IHL, and to stress the importance of emblem use and protection at the national level. Therefore, the National Inter-Institutional Commission on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law and GRCS pledge to strengthen legal mechanisms and undertake promotional and educational activities in the area of Red Cross emblem protection.  The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols establish that the red cross and red crescent, as well as the red crystal for State parties, are symbols protected by international law. Their use is regulated at all times, during periods of peace as well as during times of armed conflict.


B) Plan d’action

  • Initiate and implement joint actions with relevant ministries, national agencies and International Organizations to ensure implementation of the resolution on Bringing IHL Home approved by the 33rd International Conference.
  • Integrate good practices and international experience about the implementation of IHL and its adaptation to the national context with close cooperation with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement partners.
  • Cooperate with the state and relevant stakeholders in the process of drafting/upgrading laws based on the International Humanitarian Law basic principles and rules.
  • Provide lectures for personnel of arms carries (armed forces, national guard, law enforcement/police bodies) Georgia Red Cross Society Logo/Red Cross Emblem and legal usage as well as on GRCS work.
  • Create case studies about the use and protection of the red cross emblem.


C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:

  • Number of trained GRSC staff in IHL
  • Number of meetings with the key stakeholders
  • Number of lectures for the personnel of arms carries (armed forces, national guard, law enforcement/police bodies)
  • Progress reports


D) Ressources nécessaires:

Parties (GRCS and the States) will use the resources that may be necessary to carry out this pledge based on the action plan. The pledge will be implemented by the relevant human and technical resources.