
Antipersonnel Mine Ban Convention

A) Objectifs de l’engagement:

Austria pledges to continue to promote ratification of and the accession to the Antipersonnel Mine Ban Convention by States which have not yet done so. Austria further pledges to uphold its commitment to safeguard the humanitarian standards set by the Convention. As a core country of the Ottawa process leading to the adoption of the Convention which stipulates a complete ban of antipersonnel mines, Austria remains gravely concerned about the humanitarian consequences related to the use of antipersonnel mines.

B) Plan d’action

Evaluation criteria in 2019: At least 20 opportunities for promoting adherence of States not yet Parties to the Antipersonnel Mine Ban Convention were used. Austria was raising awareness about the humanitarian standards set by the Convention on several occasions.

C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:


D) Ressources nécessaires:


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