
Report – Support of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC)

Mesures prises:

The Austrian Chairmanship of the OSCE tasked the OSCE Secretary General to form and deploy an independent team of experts to conduct a forensic post-blast investigation of the incident of 23 April 2017 involving the death of an OSCE team member, injuries of two OSCE team members and the destruction of an OSCE vehicle in Eastern Ukraine. With a view to supporting the activation of the Independent Humanitarian Fact Finding Commission (IHFFC), Austria suggested to consider using the good offices of the IHFFC in this context.

Subsequently, the OSCE and the IHFFC concluded a Memorandum of Understanding and a Distinct Arrangement, on the basis of which the IHFFC provided its good offices to the OSCE in forming an ad hoc Team for the External Independent Forensic Investigation Incident. With the aim of strengthening the safety and security of OSCE officials and restoring an attitude of respect for international humanitarian law, the scope of the investigation is to establish the facts of the incident by conducting a post-blast scene forensic investigation and technical assessment. Two further agreements were reached to finalize the legal arrangements: a Financial Protocol regulating the budget and reimbursement of expenses to the IHFFC as well as Non-Disclosure Undertakings concluded with each investigation team member.

Austria continues to be a strong supporter of independent fact finding in general and the IHFFC in particular and continues to seek ways of activating IHFFC and to make the best use of its experienced members.

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

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