
Report on pledge – Strengthening the Efforts of IHL Integration, Training, and Teaching for a Better IHL Implementation in the Military and Civilian Administration – Indonesia

Mesures prises:

It has been on-going efforts in strengthening the capacity of IHL within the Indonesian Red Cross Society (PMI/ Palang Merah Indonesia). Specifically in related to the integration, training and teaching for the better IHL implementation in the military.
* Increase awareness of International Humanitarian Law through the dissemination of red flags to PMI personnel, Ministries/Institutions, Academics and the general public to promote a better understanding and support for the principles of International Humanitarian Law so that they know their rights and obligations in times of armed conflict;
* Routine activities to improve the competence of HHI for Standing Committee on the Application and Research of IHL (PANTAP) members, students and the general public;
* The participation of the Government of Indonesia in the International Conference is carried out in order to participate in the development of IHL, sharing best practices with other countries as an effort to improve the implementation of HHI in the country
* Government Policy, Ratification of International Conventions Indonesia has ratified international conventions that are considered to support respect for IPR, including:
a. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 1978 concerning the ratification of the Treaty on the Prevention of the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
b. Presidential Decree No. 36 of 1990 concerning the Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
c. Presidential Decree No. 58 of 1991 concerning the ratification of the Convention on the Prohibition the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction;
d. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 1998 concerning the ratification of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction;
e. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2006 concerning the Ratification of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction;
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 2012 concerning the Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.

In the spirit of implementing the pledge, the PMI also has been working with partners to implement the commitments as contained in the pledge. The implementation of Red Cross activities conducts by PMI in collaboration with the Government of Indonesia (GoI), especially on policies and activities related to IHL with its recommendation on the arrangement of Red Cross emblem as protection and identification based on Article 1 number (3) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2018. The Government of Indonesia recognizes the Red Cross emblem as a symbol of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent which mean as protection based on the Conventions, in addition to the Law are describe as follows:
* Article No. 6, states that the GoI recognized the Red Cross as the emblem within the country and for its activities;
* Article No. 7, the Red Cross Law regulates the function use of Red Cross emblem as protective sign and identification; this protective sign will be regulated by the Indonesian Military through the Commander Regulation
As for the identification function will be regulated further in the PMI regulation.

The PMI is also still facing the challenges in implementing the commitments on IHL. The supervision of Red Cross Law and its Government Regulation have been effective for four years and three years, respectively. However, the regulation about the use of the Red Cross emblem as protection and identification has not yet been established. Violation of the use of the emblem still occur such as:
* The Red Cross emblem is attached to health facilities and its transportation (ambulances) that do not belong to PMI;
* The Red Cross emblem is attached to humanitarian aid organization organized by other parties without approval of the PMI in National Headquarter;
In addition, the supervisory functions also have not been regulated in detail (Article 33, Red Cross activities regulate all levels of government in accordance with their authority providing guidance and supervision for the Red Cross activities). However, there are no implementing rules for the article.

The collaboration between the PMI with the government in developing and strengthening of IHL Law has had a significant positive impact in several aspects. Below are the related information :
a. Effective Provision of Humanitarian Assistance: PMI, as part of the Movement, has access and capabilities to provide humanitarian assistance in various situations, both in natural disasters and armed conflicts. Collaboration with the government allows for better coordination in providing humanitarian assistance more effectively.
b. Strengthening the Conflict Protection and Services System: The government plays an important role in the formation and strengthening of humanitarian legal policies at the national level. The collaboration with PMI helps strengthen the implementation of humanitarian law in the protection and services for conflict victims, including refugees, internally displaced persons, and other affected people.
c. Education and Counseling on Humanitarian Law: PMI is actively involved in education and raising public awareness about humanitarian law and its principles. Collaboration with the government expands the reach and effectiveness of this program, so that more people understand the importance of respecting humanitarian law in the context of conflict and humanitarian crises.
d. Provision of Resources and Access to Conflict Areas: The government can provide support in the form of resources, access, and permits necessary for PMI to be able to operate in areas affected by conflict or disasters. This collaboration ensures that the necessary assistance and protection can be delivered without significant barriers.
e. Advocacy and Implementation of International Policies: Indonesia as a member country of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement supports the advocacy and implementation of humanitarian legal principles at the global level. The collaboration between the government and PMI strengthens Indonesia’s position in voicing protection for victims of conflict and respecting humanitarian principles in international forums. Thus, the collaboration between the government and PMI not only strengthens the implementation of humanitarian law in the country, but also increases Indonesia’s capacity in playing its role in global humanitarian efforts.

The dissemination Red Cross activities and principles of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) have a positive impact on the community and PMI organizations, such as:
a. Adding to strengthening the knowledge of PMI personnel, strengthening organizational capacity in the field;
b. Through the dissemination of Red Cross, the community becomes more aware of human rights, the protection of conflict victims, and humanitarian principles regulated in HHI. They can understand the importance of respecting and protecting these rights in situations of conflict and humanitarian crises.
c. The impact of the increased public knowledge about IPR is increased awareness of the rights of conflict victims. This can help in fighting for better protection for victims, including refugees, separated children, and other vulnerable groups.
d. For example, in terms of first aid, the public will be more educated about how to provide first aid in accidents or other emergencies. They can learn about simple steps that can save a person’s life.
e. Rapid Response in Emergencies: With the knowledge gained, people become better prepared to respond to emergencies. They can act quickly and appropriately in critical situations before professional medical help arrives.
f. Humanitarian Improvement: The socialization of the Red Cross also increases humanitarian attitudes in the community. People become more concerned about others and more willing to lend help when needed.

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

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