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Report on pledge – Protecting humanitarian and medical personnel

Mesures prises:

By signing this pledge, the German Red Cross (GRC) committed to intensifying its support for the implementation of and respect for the legal framework governing humanitarian work, in particular with regard to the protection of humanitarian and medical personnel.

In line with the pledge’s action plan, the GRC has frequently supported the dissemination of and training in relevant rules of IHL governing the provision of healthcare and humanitarian aid. For example, in 2020 the “Münster Red Cross Talk on International Humanitarian Law” (an annual IHL conference organized by one of its regional branches) addressed “Care under Fire: The Protective Sign as a Target” and included a contribution on the protection of healthcare in Syria. “IHL Lunches”, addressing current IHL topics and organized for GRC staff and volunteers, dealt with “COVID-19 and access to humanitarian aid in armed conflict” in 2020 and “Health Care in Danger” in 2023. Specific “Health Care in Danger”-presentations were organized for the GRC’s International Cooperation Division in 2022 as well as GRC dissemination officers in 2023.

In February 2021, the GRC together with the ICRC and partner National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, co-organized the virtual Eurasia regional meeting of the “Health Care in Danger” initiative, focusing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the protection of medical units.

The GRC implemented different awareness-raising measures to promote respect for principled humanitarian action. Initiatives included public communication measures concerning the protection of medical personnel, such as a press release for World Humanitarian Day and a public statement by the GRC President emphasizing the need for respect and protection of medical personnel in the field in 2020.

The GRC is continuously tracking cases concerning the misuse of the Red Cross emblem. Hereby it pursues the objective to specifically raise awareness about the protection of the medical mission. It participated in a European-wide social media campaign on emblem protection in 2023.

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:
