
Promotion and dissemination of international humanitarian law

Mesures prises:

Denmark has as a matter of policy made it a priority to incorporate/include IHL elements when training security forces both in the context of armed conflict, as has been the case for a number of years in Iraq in the framework of the international coalition against ISIL, as well as for training done in peacetime. The Danish Defence has also for a number of years trained armed forces of other states, and has always put an emphasis of IHL, when appropriate, tailored to the specific training audience

The Danish Government contributes significantly to mine action through 1) core support to UNMAS 2) support to UNMAS country activities in Iraq 3) support to CSOs engaged in demining activities, mine risk education and training, in particular Danish Demining Group and DanChurchAid and 4) support to other organisations involved in demining in Syria and Iraq. With a contribution to UNMAS of 15 mill. DKK annually, Denmark supports a focus on advocacy and policy initiatives related to multilateral conventions.

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

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