
Pledge on Training on the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence in armed conflict and complex emergencies

Mesures prises:

The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) and the Office of the Judge Advocate General undertook to implement this pledge. This included working to incorporate training on conflict-related sexual violence in all appropriate learning fora within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) including: Law of armed conflict (LOAC) training; pre-deployment training; training which is offered to other armed forces in Canada and abroad. The OJAG undertook an assessment of where the training could be included and the CRC provided insight and additional suggestions on further implementation ideas. The OJAG successfully worked within CAF to ensure the training on SGBV was updated and included in a larger number of trainings. In addition, efforts were made to ensure that reference to SGBV was made in operational documents.


The CRC facilitated contact with the CAF and an ICRC researcher who undertook a comparative analysis of national military doctrine pertaining to conflict related sexual violence. This ensured that Canadian doctrine was represented in the comparative study.


In addition, as part of our IHL education activities, we continue to highlight SGBV within our public outreach across the country. For example, we held conferences and webinars with particular focus on SGBV in armed conflict across the country. In addition, the CRC included key messages focusing on the prevention of SGBV in its presentations and trainings with the Canadian Armed Forces.

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

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