
Engagement Suisse et Croix-Rouge suisse: Favoriser un accès équitable des plus vulnérables à la santé

Mesures prises:

    • Health is a core theme for the SRC in the domestic as well as international cooperation activities. As part of its Strategy 2020 SRC is currently implementing the encompassing strategic project “health for all” with the objectives of positioning SRC in the field of health in Switzerland and promoting equal opportunities for all people in the Swiss health system.



    • Study on health competencies in Switzerland: the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) conducted the quantitative part of the study in 2016; SRC will conduct qualitative research and analysis in 2017. Based on the results of the two studies on health competencies in Switzerland the FOPH and SRC will identify measures to be taken to improve the health competencies of the most vulnerable.



    • Traumatised refugees: SRC is drawing attention to the under-supply in assistance for traumatised refugees and elaborated a paper defining ten measures for a better health care for traumatised refugees in Switzerland. Furthermore, SRC is currently elaborating a pilot project in favour of traumatised minor refugees.



    • The online platform will be extended: 1) to also cover the theme “equal opportunity in health” and 2) to become an exchange platform for specialists in the field of traumatised minor refugees.



    • Support and assistance services with and for migrants: SRC and especially its cantonal branches provide a variety of services in the field of assistance and support, e.g. assistance for persons nursing a sick family member, support for elderly people in their everyday life challenges, visiting lonely persons, childcare. These support and assistance services will be further developed in order to better reach migrants in their roles as possible beneficiaries of the services as well as potential volunteers.



    • Interpretation in the health sector: together the FOPH and SRC advocate for the establishment of good interpretation services in the health sector in order to improve the quality of treatment for persons who do not speak one of the official languages of Switzerland. Also the question of payment of these services must be taken into account.



    • Meetings: the FOPH and SRC meet once or twice a year to assess the implementation of the projects and measures identified.


Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

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