
End report Belgium – Espace humanitaire

Mesures prises:

Belgium participated in open debates on “Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict” organized in 2017, and 2018 and 2019 in UN Security Council. In December 2018, Belgium co-hosted with Sweden an Arria Formula meeting of the Security Council on “Protecting Medical Care in Armed Conflict – from Policy to Practice”. In April 2019 Belgium also participated in the Arria-Formula meeting of the Security Council on “Protecting Humanitarian and Medical Personnel” and a briefing on “Safeguarding Humanitarian Space”. Belgium reiterated the need to increase respect for the sanctity of healthcare and to take action to better implement Security Council Resolution 2286 (2016), which Belgium co-sponsored.

La contribution de la Coopération belge au Développement s’est faite sous un apport de commentaires en vue de construire la position belge sur la protection de l’espace humanitaire au Conseil de Sécurité. La position est : 1/ diffusion du DIH ; 2/ formations des forces armées ; 3/ influencer les comportements des belligérants pour qu’ils se conforment au DIH ; 4/sensibilisation (et proscription) aux mesures antiterroristes qui entravent le travail des organisations humanitaires.

In September 2018 Belgium, together with ECHO, OCHA and the ICRC, organized a Ministerial side-event on “Civilians under fire: Humanitarian Protection and Respect for IHL”, focusing on closing the gap between principles and action and safeguarding humanitarian space.

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

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