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End report Belgium and Belgian Red Cross – Aide humanitaire internationale

Mesures prises:

The meetings between the BRC and the Belgian authorities, both on the administrative (DGD) and the political (Ministerial cabinet) are frequent and fruitful and take place both on an individual level, as jointly between the two wings of the BRC, together with all other Belgian humanitarian NGO’s. Topics discussed include technical programmatic updates as well as more strategic conversations on topics as migration, cash or how to concretize concepts as localization of aid. BRC has made big steps forward in jointly addressing the authorities during the last year, we aim to continue to upscale these efforts in the years to come.

Regarding DREF and Appeals, the IFRC, BRC and Belgian Authorities have a long-standing practice of setting up quadripartite constructions in which each partner has its role to fulfill. This construction continues to run smooth and leads to a cooperative interaction between IFRC and BRC, allowing the latter to monitor closely the DREF-operations in our respective partner countries and to subsequently advise on operational decisions. This role was strengthened even further when the BRC became member of the DREF Advisory Committee in late 2017. The increased involvement of the BRC in the multilateral structures of the Red Cross Movement, has led to an increase of the DGD DREF contribution from 600.000 EUR to 1.5 million EUR per year for 2019 and 2020, making DGD amongst the top donors of this Movement instrument for rapid emergency response. Belgium also funded 1 million Euros to post-Maria reconstruction Appeal in the Caribbean in 2018. We will continue working on strengthening the relationship between Belgium, BRC and IFRC to improve the, disaster risk reduction, preparedness and response to international emergencies.

Also, the BRC has an essential role in communication on achieved results and the pertinence of DREF/Appeal-structures towards the Belgian public, including press releases on forgotten disasters and how to fund them.

The BRC, IFRC and DGD joint efforts in rethinking the funding mechanism that would strengthen Belgium’s capacity to fund the Red Cross Movement for Disaster Risk Reduction and Response, allowing for more timely, flexible and integrated disaster preparedness and response. This exercise will be continued with the incoming government once the new federal legislature is in power.

In the future, the commitment of the BRC is high to continue our structural quadripartite relationship in which we maintain our role as bridgehead between the work of the IFRC and the Belgian Authorities and public, and to continue expanding this relationship into more strategic level.

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:
