
Asia Pacific National Society Migration Network

Mesures prises:

Between 2015 and 2019, the Asia Pacific Migration Network (APMN) has undertaken a range of activities including research and mapping projects, peer-to-peer learning, hosting regional migration events, supporting preparations for migration related aspects of Movement meetings, and maintaining regular communication with National Societies across and beyond the region on migration. These activities and achievements have contributed to the strategic direction of the Network and include:

Amplifying the Asia Pacific through regional and Global Policy:

·         Conducting regional consultations through the APMN on the IFRC Global Migration Strategy, the Global Communication Strategy and the IFRC’s response to Global Compact for Refugees and Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration;

·         Attendance, presentations and policy recommendations at regional migration-related events including the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network Consultations (Bangkok, 2016); the Global Forum on Migration and Development (Dhaka, 2016); the Global Compact on Migration (2017-2018); and the Bali Process Government and Civil Society Roundtable (2018);

·         Alongside government representatives, NGOs and civil society, 7 National Societies attended the Bali Process workshop on human Security in Jeju, South Korea (November 2018, April 2019);

·         Increased National Society engagement with APMN (now 35 of 38 National Societies in the Asia Pacific).


Effective cross-border collaboration:

·         Supporting APMN working groups across 28 National Societies on: Migration and the Pacific, South Asia Collaboration, Labour Migration and Trafficking, and Migration and Health;

·         Supporting cross-regional collaboration with other Red Cross Red Crescent networks including the European Migration Network (PERCO), the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the European Action for Trafficking Network (ATN), and the Americas Migration Network.


Raising migration within and beyond the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement:

·         Engaging National Society leadership on migration through briefings for forums, developing statements for endorsement on collaboration, sensitisation around migrant vulnerabilities, and the Red Cross Red Crescent opportunities and responsibilities to respond.


Conducting Research and mapping regional migration issues and trends:

·         Development of the APMN Foundation Paper: Migration Issues in the Asia (2015);

·         Publishing the APMN Report: Migration Related Activities of National Societies in the Asia Pacific (2017), which highlights National Society work relating to migration or assists people affected by migration; and

·         Conducting a mapping of issues and vulnerabilities relating to migration on each country.


Hosting events and peer learning across the region:

·         Since 2017 the APMN has conducted peer-to-peer learning with 13 Asia Pacific National Societies.

·         Since 2016, The APMN, ICRC and IFRC have co-hosted annual regional meetings on migration alongside the APMN General Meetings, including:

·         2016: Mobilising the Movement: Humanitarian Responses to Migration in the Asia Pacific;

·         2017: IFRC Migration and Health focused conference;

·         2018: Red Cross Red Crescent Cross-Regional Conference on Labour migration which brought together Asia Pacific and Gulf Country National Societies; and

·         2019: Regional Red Cross Red Crescent Workshop on Migration.


Key Challenges:

·         Ensuring strong and effective Movement coordination, particularly bringing ICRC and IFRC together in a strategic and complimentary approach on migration in the Asia Pacific, and support to National Societies.

·         Technology and communications between National Societies, including the development of a communication platform that can be used by National Societies across the region.

·         Resource generation and moving toward practical action such as cross border activities and partnerships.

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

The International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, in its function as Trustee of the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (the Conference), cannot be held responsible or liable in any manner for any user-generated content or posts on this Database. In the event that the Website team considers any post or content to be incompatible with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and/or with the objectives of the Conference, it reserves the right to remove such content.