
Report on pledge: Sexual and gender-based violence during times of armed conflict or in the aftermath of disasters and other emergencies

Mesures prises:

Under this Pledge the Swedish Red Cross has initiated and performed a wide range of activities together with the IFRC secretariat. These are shortly summarized here:.

Unseen, unheard: Gender-based violence in disasters – Global study[1]

Leading up to, and as one of the key background material guiding the development of the SGBV Resolution at the International Conference in 2015, SRC co-funded a multi country study on GBV.

The research highlights that more should be done to better understand and address GBV in disasters and provides recommendations to humanitarian community and public authorities.

Effective law and policy on gender equality and protection from sexual and gender-based violence in disasters – Global study[2]. SRC provided financial and technical support to the IFRC for a research initiative that seeks to fill a knowledge gap on effective law and policy for gender in disaster risk management and the prevention of and response to SGBV in disasters. The study follows on from the recommendations of the SRC supported research report on SGBV in 2015 ‘Unseen, Unheard- Gender-based violence in disasters – Global study” and the IFRC/UNDP multi-country study on ‘Effective law and regulation for disaster risk reduction: a multi-country report’[3], both of which called for further analysis and development of recommendations regarding the role that law and policy can play in addressing gender inequality in disasters.

A series of training packages on gender, diversity, protection and SGBV has been developed and rolled out to accompanying the guideline “Minimum standards for protection, gender and inclusion in emergencies for IFRC and National Societies staff. SRC has contributed financially, but also been actively involved in the wide consultation process of developing SGBV tools and training modules.





Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

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