
Asia Pacific National Society Migration Network

Mesures prises:

Note: this pledge is currently not open to signatories; however the aims of the pledge are embedded in ARC’s Asia Pacific Migration Network (APMN) strategy, and reported on below.

Research and Mapping:

    • The APMN has finalized its mapping of National Society activities that support or assist migrants, to be distributed in June 2017


    • The APMN is completing a mapping of migration issues and vulnerabilities on a country by country basis, utilizing Red Cross volunteers to conduct desk based research and engaging NS focal points to contribute from a country perspective


Regional Event:

    • In April 2016, ICRC, IFRC and APMN hosted the first ever Movement event on migration titled ‘ Mobilising the Movement: Humanitarian Responses to migration in the Asia Pacific”. 18 NS attended (see Mobilising the Movement report)


    • The 2017 APMN General Meeting was held on Thursday 8 June 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, following the IFRC migration and health conference, for which APMN is a partner.


Commitment to information and knowledge sharing:

    • The APMN hosted three peer learnings participants from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh at Australian Red Cross;



Engaging in humanitarian diplomacy:

    • A range of key messages on migration have been developed for RCRC regional leadership meetings and relevant external meetings focused on migration and Resolution 3 on Migration.


Harness expertise within the Movement:

    • The APMN contributed to the IFRC regional and global migration strategies, ensuring specific Asia Pacific NS migration activities, issues and expertise were represented .


Strengthen Partnerships:

    • The APMN has hosted three peer learnings participants from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh at Australian Red Cross.


Joint Coordination:

    • Working groups – the APMN has developed 4 thematic and regional based working groups, with 22 National Societies currently engaged


Integrated approach to migration:

    • Alongside IFRC, ICRC, the APMN attended the Global Forum on Migration and Development GFMD in Dec 2016, held in Dhaka


    • The APMN has increased the number of Asia Pacific National Societies it engages to 33, connecting through programs such as RFL, regional AP cooperation meetings, migration surveys, and events.


    • Compacts consultations – The APMN have been engaging NS on thematic areas related to the global compact of safe and orderly migration



The APMN continues to consult with NS focal points on the best way to engage and sensitize NS leadership on migration, to ensure an effective and coordinated response across within region. Through activities such as the peer learning, migration events, and regular skype meetings, the APMN is looking at new and creative ways to overcome these challenges (such as developing tailored Secretary General briefings, engaging leadership at RCRC migration events, hosting Skype meetings directly between APMN co- Chair and NS leadership)

Signatories to date: The Republic of Korea National Red Cross, New Zealand Red Cross

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

The International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, in its function as Trustee of the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (the Conference), cannot be held responsible or liable in any manner for any user-generated content or posts on this Database. In the event that the Website team considers any post or content to be incompatible with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and/or with the objectives of the Conference, it reserves the right to remove such content.