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Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 7: Disaster laws and policies that leave no one behind (33IC/19/R7) – Italian Red Cross

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Establishment of a National Focal point on Disaster Law coordinating training and dissemination activities, and subsequent creation and insertion in the official training offer of dedicated courses on disaster law at the local, regional, and national levels.

Au International, Régional, National, Local niveau

Précisions :

Through the work of a National Focal Point on Disaster Law, specific training programs on the topic have been developed on three levels: 1) informative (aimed at dissemination to the territorial/local level); 2) training (aimed at dissemination to the regional level and a deeper understanding of the issue); 3) high specialization (organized at the national level and aimed at training the figures of reference for the Italian Red Cross in this sector). These courses have been officially included in the ItRC’s training offer catalog, and have been held regularly at various levels since 2020.

Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle coopéré avec d’autres partenaires aux fins de la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution ?


Partenariats avec :
Gouvernement et/ou autorités publiques
CICR/Fédération internationale
Autres Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge ou du Croissant-Rouge
Partenaires de l’humanitaire et du développement (par ex. Nations Unies, organisations non gouvernementales, etc.)

Exemples de coopération :

  • Appointment of an IFRC-ItRC Disaster Law focal point for Europe (2022-2024): Based on a dedicated MoU, the IFRC and the Italian Red Cross established the IFRC-ItRC Disaster Law focal point for Europe, based in Rome at the ItRC Headquarter, while being at the same time part of the global DL Team. The DL Focal Point for Europe offers technical advice and support disaster law activities for the European region, primarily to other European National Red Cross Societies and relevant national and international institutions, in accordance with the IFRC Plan and Budget 2025 (Outcome 2.4) and the global IFRC Disaster Law Operational Plan. The DL Focal Point offers technical advice on strengthening disaster law and the auxiliary role through law- and policy-making to European Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and their authorities, including through the arrangement of training and workshops on legal issues in disaster risk management and relevant to the auxiliary role and legislative advocacy. He/She also cooperates in the development of new comparative research, training materials and reports on legal issues in disaster risk management, guidance, tools and documents identifying best practices and standards.
  • Development and launch of the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on “Disaster Law and Policies for the Protection of the Most Vulnerable” in cooperation with IFRC Disaster Law and academia (2023): The first MOOC ever developed on this subject, results from the partnership between the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Disaster, Emergency and Law (IDEAL) Network, and the Italian Red Cross and is accessible through the IFRC website. Over the course, a group of experienced academics and practitioners provide participants with a deep insight into the legislative and institutional dynamics that apply to the different phases of the disaster risk management continuum (i.e., mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction) to enhance the protection of at-risk communities. Throughout the activities split into three modules, it will be explored how international, regional and national legal and policy frameworks can effectively support the role and address the conduct of all the actors involved in disaster-related activities. This includes national and sub-national authorities (of both affected and assisting states), intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society, and the private sector.
  • Arrangement and support to the yearly International Disaster Law Course at the IIHL Sanremo Institute, in cooperation with the IFRC and Academia (2019-2023): Through a mixture of lectures, practical exercises and interactive group works, this 5-days course is jointly organized by IFRC Disaster Law Programme, the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in Sanremo, the Italian Red Cross and high-profile academics. The Course arrived at its 8th edition in 2023. Main topics include: Key legal issues in disaster management; Legal and operational challenges in relief operations; Human rights protection in disaster-settings; Disaster risk reduction and climate change law; The international coordination system for humanitarian assistance; Regional approaches to disaster law; Health emergencies; Protection of cultural property; Migration issues in disasters. Target audience include: staff of governments, international and regional organizations, NGOs, Red Cross/Red Crescent National Societies, academics, graduate and post-graduate students with an interest in humanitarian assistance and disaster management issues.
  • Establishment of a ‘Cooperation Agreement on Disaster Law’ with the Portuguese Red Cross and related activities (2023): The general objective of the Agreement is to strengthen the partnership and friendly relations between the Italian Red Cross and the Portuguese Red Cross, as well as to promote the cooperation within the framework of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement with the support of the IFRC. The PRC and the ItRC undertake to strengthen their cooperation on Disaster Law topics through the exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices, particularly in areas of common interest, such as International Disaster Response Law; Legal preparedness in Disaster Risk Management; European Union Disaster Law; Law and Disaster Risk Reduction; Law and Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction; Law and Public Health Emergencies. The types of activities that can be implemented as part of the Agreement include informative/introductory events or workshops on disaster law and related topics for interested staff/volunteers; cooperation in the development of research and thematic reports on disaster risk management legal framework and policies to be further disseminated nationally or internationally; Identification and sharing of main challenges, good practices. On the basis of the Agreement, a few thematic workshops have been organised at the PRC HQ in Lisbon in 2023-2024.
  • Technical support and advocacy towards the adoption of a new global instrument on the Protection of Persons in the event of disasters in cooperation with IFRC Disaster Law (2019-2023): this activity included bilateral contacts with governmental and diplomatic representatives, both in Italy and abroad, to raise awareness and influence the diplomatic processes on the importance of a new treaty based on the UN-ILC Draft Articles on the topic, and ensuring that the RCRC humanitarian perspective is reflected in it. Among these initiatives, it is worth mentioning the organization of a High-Level Regional webinar held in March 2024 and involving governmental representatives (including from legal offices in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Legal Advisers at the EU and UN in New York) of European countries, EU Civil Protection Mechanism participating countries, as well as governance and legal experts of European National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The overall purpose of the event was to share information and sensitize participants about the ongoing diplomatic process at the UNGA Sixth Committee and the high relevance of adopting a new global framework of reference in this sector, aiming at improving the protection of people affected by disasters., as well as a series of thematic workshops both online and in presence to RCRC NS and other stakeholders.
  • Thematic research and publication of a Report on the role of law and policies in post-disaster reconstruction in Italy (2022): The technical research formed a key part of a wider project on ‘Law and Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction’ conducted by IFRC Disaster Law and based on a previous literature review on the topic. It aimed to identify and collect existing regulatory models to inform the development of a set of evidence-based recommendations on how to improve domestic legislation in the sector. This is in line with the technical role of the IFRC-ItRC Disaster Law Focal Point for Europe, which conducted the research and authored the Report, which filled a gap in the set of advocacy tools developed by IFRC Disaster Law over the last few years. The study focused on Italy and builds on both a desk-based survey of relevant legislation on recovery and reconstruction and a series of consultations with key institutional stakeholders, and aimed to identify good practice, main obstacles and potential recommendations based on the Italian legislative and institutional model. The outcomes and findings of the research set the basis for subsequent advocacy activities led by the ItRC, in cooperation with Italian authorities and Civil Protection representatives, as part of the law-making process towards the adoption of a new Italian Code on Post-disaster reconstruction.

Vous êtes-vous heurté·e à des difficultés dans la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution?


Difficultés rencontrées :
Priorités concurrentes

Précisions au sujet des difficultés :

At the international level, the outbreak of armed conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza partially readdressed institutional priorities and organizational capacities of other stakeholders and partners to these types of crises compared to disaster-related ones, which in some cases have passed under the radar. This also influenced the attention to the need to improve legal preparedness levels in disaster governance models and systems.

Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu une ou des incidences sur l’action et les orientations de votre État/Société nationale/institution ?


Type d’incidence :
La coopération entre le gouvernement/les autorités publiques et la Société nationale a été renforcée.
Des partenariats avec d’autres acteurs humanitaires ont été noués ou renforcés
La formation et les capacités du personnel et des volontaires ont été renforcées (pour les Sociétés nationales).

Précisions au sujet des incidences :

  • The stronger focus on Disaster Law issues at the ItRC led to greater engagement with public authorities, law- and decision-makers on relevant topics, as evidenced by the involvement of the ItRC President in public auditions with civil society at the Italian Parliament regarding the adoption of a new Law on post-disaster reconstruction. This also represented an opportunity to enhance horizontal coordination with other national actors including NGOs, civil society, and technical experts who were involved in the same legislative advocacy effort.
  • Disaster Law-related topics have been included in existing international cooperation projects led by the ItRC, such as the EU-funded program Prevention Preparedness Response to Disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 3 (PPRD East 3), which has the overall objective of increasing the resilience to natural and man-made disasters in the Eastern Partnership Countries; Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
  • Training and capacity of staff and volunteers has increased due to the arrangement of several IDL courses at the local, regional, and national levels.

Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu des incidences sur les communautés auxquelles votre État/Société nationale/institution vient en aide ?
