
Strengthening Community Resilience (Join Pledge of the Indonesian Government and the Indonesian Red Cross)

A) Objectifs de l’engagement:

Pledge Text:

    • To cooperate in ensuring effective development and implementation of domestic laws and policies relevant to emergency and disaster risk management, including through the revision of the national disaster management law (Law 24/2007) in 2016.


    • To provide our support to other countries, National Societies and humanitarian partners in our region that are interested in assessing and strengthening their laws on emergency and disaster risk management.


    • To implement agreement of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.


B) Plan d’action

Action Plan:

    1. Accelerating progress in the facilitation and regulation of international disaster response (IDRL):


    1. To cooperate with other stakeholders in developing, reviewing and strengthening our laws and procedures for managing international disaster response, drawing on the “Guidelines for the domestic facilitation and regulation of international disaster relief and initial recovery assistance” (IDRL Guidelines) and the recommendations from the 2014 study on ‘IDRL in Indonesia: An analysis of the impact and implementation of Indonesia’s legal framework for international disaster assistance.


    1. To support peer to peer learning on IDRL at the regional and global level;


    1. To cooperate in disseminating information about the most valuable contributions in the event of major disasters and to discourage unnecessary or inappropriate in-kind donations;


    1. To support and participate in the relevant national forums or inter-agency mechanisms to plan for the facilitation and regulation of international disaster response.



    1. Strengthening laws for disaster risk reduction (DRR):


    1. To use the “Checklist on law and disaster risk reduction” to assess our legal framework for disaster risk reduction, including through the ongoing ‘Law and Disaster Risk Reduction’ project currently underway in Indonesia;


    1. To cooperate in developing and / or implementing relevant laws and policies to empower communities and vulnerable people to participate in decision-making about disaster risk management activities.



    1. Providing supportive legal framework for saving lives through first aid


    1. To cooperate in promoting widespread first-aid training of appropriate quality;


    1. To cooperate in identifying steps to reduce potential concerns of citizens about liability or legal complications related to providing first aid.



    1. Implementing Sendai Framework for DRR 


    1. Advocating and cooperating in ensuring effective development, adoption, and implementation of Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 – 2030.


    1. Providing technical support, and training to local government (Local Disaster Management Agency) and other stakeholders in building safer and resilient communities.


    1. Maintaining commitment to increase support to high-risk communities and providing leadership in local action, together with local government and other key partners.


    1. Working hard to embed safer and resilience community in all their programmes and interventions, including disaster response, water security, food security, health and care, water and sanitation, organizational development and shelter.


    1. Building strong partnerships with all stakeholders, including communities themselves, local and national governments, civil society and the private sector.


    1. Using transparent and accountable financing mechanism from global level to the local need, to ensure the sustainability and implementation of the program.


C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:


D) Ressources nécessaires:


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