
Rapport sur engagement – Protect the rights of children affected by armed conflicts

Mesures prises:

Sur le plan international :
– La protection des enfants dans les conflits armés était une des priorités de la Présidence belge du Conseil de l’UE.
– At the initiative of Belgium, a Group of Friends on CAAC was established within the EU. It is co-presided by Belgium and Italy.
– A similar Group of Friends on CAAC was established by Belgium within the OSCE in Vienna.
– Belgium was one of the most active proponents of the revision of the EU Guidelines on Children and Armed Conflict. EU Council conclusions on the revision were adopted during the Belgian EU presidency.
– Belgium has increased public awareness of the issue of CAAC by co-organizing a major photo exhibition (“From despair to hope: children beyond armed conflict”) in BOZAR in Brussels, in the context of the Belgian EU presidency.
– Belgium strongly supported the CAAC mandate, for instance through financing the Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) managed by UNICEF – 3 million EUR in the last 4 years – and by financing Junior Professional Officers (JPOs) within the office the SRSG on CAAC in New York.
– Through its membership of the Human Rights Council, Belgium has kept the issue of CAAC high on the international agenda.
– Financement d’activités de Plan Belgique, soutien aux ressources générales d’UNICEF, soutien du programme de l’UNRWA « Education in Emergencies ».

Sur le plan national:
– Intégration, dans la formation de base en DIH des militaires belges, d’un volet sur la protection des enfants dans les conflits armés, y inclus les mécanismes de surveillance et de reporting en cas de violations graves commises envers les enfants
– Chapitre consacré à la protection des civils, et en particulier des groupes vulnérables, parmi lesquels les enfants, dans le manuel de droit opérationnel en cours de révision.

Achèvement de la mise en œuvre:

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