
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 2: Addressing mental health and psychosocial needs of people affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters and other emergencies (33IC/19/R2) – British Red Cross

  1. Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle incorporé les engagements contenus dans cette résolution dans les plans stratégiques ou opérationnels pertinents ?


    Les engagements sont incorporés dans les documents suivants:
    Plan opérationnel

    Au International, Régional, National, Local niveau

    Précisions :

    The British Red Cross Psychosocial & Mental Health Team (PMHT), having expanded significantly in 2019, have continued to further the team’s vision to thread psychosocial & mental health capabilities throughout our UK Operations and increase our offer to external partners through new contracts and innovative service delivery. The team’s success has been evidenced by the growing recognition that mental health holds parity with physical health, and that all of the British Red Cross operational workforce should hold psychosocial competence and be trauma informed.

    The PMHT supports the confidence and resilience of British Red Cross staff and volunteers in responding to the distress of people in crises. We draw on mental health, psychosocial and trauma informed evidence and principles to prevent further harm and enable safe and person-centred responses. We also directly deliver services, both alongside Red Cross teams and through partnerships and contracts which enable us to sustain our capacity. The PMHT aims to promote and protect the dignity of people using our services who have or are at risk of mental health problems and reduce the stigma around mental illness.

    The PMHT has a strong, continuing track record of achieving results and making an impact. Through the cultivation of a highly skilled and expanding team of professionals and partners, the PMHT’s capacity and scope is positioned to reach further, to provide trauma informed, psychosocial and mental health resources where these are needed most.

    In March 2021, the PMHT received its final evaluation from Public Health England (now known as the UK’s Health Security Agency), noting that PMHT activities have ‘led to measurable improvements in the workforce’s self-reported capacity to cope with and respond to individuals in crisis’ and highlighted the ‘value of the CALMER framework for promoting the resilience of frontline responders’.

    Amongst our offers of support are our responses to critical and major incidents, joint consultations (joining staff and volunteers to meet with clients they have most concerns about) and co-developing mental health care pathways. We supported teams in crisis responses, including to the COVID19 pandemic, the Afghan Relocation Response, and the Plymouth shootings.

    The British Red Cross continues on its journey to be more trauma informed recognising the high prevalence of trauma in society, the way in which trauma affects people, the need to avoid re-traumatisation but to respond in ways which support resilience and recovery. The PMHT have been delivering workshops, updating resources and coaching leaders and managers accordingly.

  2. Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle coopéré avec d’autres partenaires aux fins de la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution ?


    Partenariats avec :
    Société nationale de la Croix-Rouge ou du Croissant-Rouge de votre pays
    Gouvernement et/ou autorités publiques
    CICR/Fédération internationale
    Autres Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge ou du Croissant-Rouge

    Exemples de coopération :

    The British Red Cross is part of the implementation group tasked with implementing the commitments within this Resolution and together with the IFRC’s Psychosocial Reference Centre, co-leads the Priority Action Area One Working Group. This Priority Action Area seeks to: identify a basic level of psychosocial support which all staff and volunteers can be trained to; identify and embed basic monitoring, evaluation and preparedness tools relating to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS); evolve resources to challenge mental health stigma and integrate mental health and psychosocial support across all the Movement’s activities.

    A separate report will be submitted on behalf of the implementation group about the above activities. The British Red Cross has supported the above through direct contributions, undertaking audits of the impact of this group, liaising with National Societies, the ICRC and IFRC globally and working closely with the other co-leads for the priority action working groups and coordination group.

    Additionally, the British Red Cross has worked closely with a number of National Societies to learn from and support the understanding of and integration of MHPSS. Further, the British Red Cross is the current co-chair of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s MHPSS Research Network and the IFRC’s European Network for MHPSS.

    The British Red Cross works closely with different parts of the British Government and public authorities to support the integration of MHPSS, including holding contracts to support them in responding to crises nationally and internationally, and working with them to advocate for and support the mental health of migrants.

  3. Vous êtes-vous heurté·e à des difficultés dans la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution?


    Difficultés rencontrées :
    Ressources humaines
    Contraintes en matière de financement
    Priorités concurrentes

    Précisions au sujet des difficultés :

    It can be difficult to compete with so many of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s priority areas. Integration of MHPSS across the Movement and its services relies on capacity, including financial, time and opportunity to be done well.

  4. Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu une ou des incidences sur l’action et les orientations de votre État/Société nationale/institution ?


    Type d’incidence :
    Les programmes et les opérations sont devenus plus efficaces et plus efficients.
    Des outils/méthodes innovateurs ont été élaborés et sont utilisés.
    La mobilisation de ressources a été renforcée
    La formation et les capacités du personnel et des volontaires ont été renforcées (pour les Sociétés nationales).

    Précisions au sujet des incidences :

    The British Red Cross has established an International MHPSS Register to support the Movement, which has been utilised to provide support to both the ICRC and IFRC. Working alongside other Movement partners, we have developed menus of resources to promote understanding and the integration of MHPSS across a range of activities.

  5. Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu des incidences sur les communautés auxquelles votre État/Société nationale/institution vient en aide ?


    Description des incidences :

    As an example, the British Red Cross is working with a partner organisation to provide direct, onsite access (in the same site as our Refugee Support services) to trauma therapy to migrants who experience complex trauma including trafficking and torture.

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