
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 2: Addressing mental health and psychosocial needs of people affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters and other emergencies (33IC/19/R2) – The Canadian Red Cross Society

  1. Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle incorporé les engagements contenus dans cette résolution dans les plans stratégiques ou opérationnels pertinents ?


    Les engagements sont incorporés dans les documents suivants:
    Plan opérationnel

    Au International, Régional, National, Local niveau

    Précisions :

    1. CRC has integrated MHPSS framework in Levels 3-5 emergency response (pan Canadian response). There are six sectors of support defined in the framework.
    -Capacity Strengthening (internal/external)
    -Safe and Supportive Environments (protective environments)
    -Community Engagement/Mobilization
    -Direct Services to populations impacted by emergencies across interventions (specialized support provided through partnership/funding)
    -Support to CRC personnel wellness.

    2. CRC has mobilized MPHSS in operational plans for Health/Long-term programs, including Recovery Operations, Friendly Calls, Creating Safe Environments, and Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Change Adaptation.

    3. MHPSS is embedded within international programming and response capacities. Technical support and strategic guidance are provided within international operations, including ERU deployments, and longer-term programming, in alignment with the Movement Framework for MHPSS. Examples of integration of MHPSS within international programming include:
    -MHPSS strategy mobilized in the context of the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis. Technical support, personnel, and funds were allocated to strengthen the capacity of the Ukrainian Red Cross to deliver community based MHPSS to those most in need. These efforts are on-going.
    -In 2023, CRC deployed an ERU MHPSS Module to Libya in response to the devastating floods and mental health needs in the community. The Module included MHPSS personnel and materials used to strengthen capacity within the Libyan Red Crescent.

  2. Votre État/Société nationale/institution a-t-il/elle coopéré avec d’autres partenaires aux fins de la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution ?


    Partenariats avec :
    Gouvernement et/ou autorités publiques
    CICR/Fédération internationale
    Autres Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge ou du Croissant-Rouge
    Partenaires de l’humanitaire et du développement (par ex. Nations Unies, organisations non gouvernementales, etc.)

    Exemples de coopération :

    • Government and/or public authorities: All level of the Canadian government: 1) Federal: Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, Public Safety Canada, Global Affairs Canada, Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada, Indigenous Relations. 2) Provincial: Emergency Management Offices, Health Authorities, Ministry of Health, Education, 3) Indigenous Governance.
    • ICRC/IFRC: IFRC PS Centre; IFRC Technical Working Groups (Health); MHPSS Surge Technical Workstream
    • Other National Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies: American Red Cross, Australian Red Cross, New Zealand Red Cross, MHPSS/SMAPS Group for National Societies from Latin America, Libyan Red Crescent, Ukrainian Red Cross.
    • Humanitarian and development partners (e.g. UN, NGOs etc.): Canadian Mental Health Association, Mental Health Commission, Disaster Psychiatry Canada, etc.
    • Academia: Teluq University, Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR).
    • Other: Community-based organizations supported through funding/granting programming to advance MHPSS recovery projects in communities impacted by emergencies across Canada

    • Please provide examples of your cooperation with partners
    • CRC integrates MHPSS into all programs and services to steward safe and supportive environments for diverse communities experiencing emergencies. The team works directly with affected communities to complete community led MHPSS assessments and engages with partners such as provincial ministries of health, regional municipal governments and community wellness committees.
    • Since 2022, CRC has partnered with Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in supporting the resettlement of Ukrainians, providing 24-hour reception services at Canadian airports. CRC clinicians and mental health specialists made over 19,000 contacts to address immediate psychosocial needs and provide referrals for those needing medical attention or struggling to cope with the impacts on their mental health.
    • During the COVID-19 pandemic, CRC partnered with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to support isolation sites across Canada.
    • PHAC supported two CRC two projects under the “Supporting the Mental Health of those Most Affected by COVID-19” program. One initiative provides grants to support community organizations that meet the needs of people disproportionately impacted and the second supports mental health promotion through community and personal connections.
    • PHAC and the CRC also supported the Northwest Territories’ pandemic response by sending a joint team to conduct EPC assessments and deliver EPC services in over 40 communities and health facilities. The PHAC-CRC collaboration resulted in a referral to work with Corrections Services Canada over 18 months to provide EPC services in all correctional institutions (43 facilities) across Canada.
    • CRC develops guidance and resource materials and disseminates them through trainings, website, consultations, and Red Cross Red Crescent centres (Psychosocial Centre). CRC also contributes to Movement resources, such as the MHPSS Framework and rapid assessment for psychosocial support and violence prevention.
    • CRC supports the Government of Canada to develop guidance and resources. CRC also has experience developing and disseminating guidance, resources, and tools to meet the needs of specific groups, such as children and youth. Training programs developed by CRC include Opioid Harm Reduction training and Psychological First Aid courses.
    • CRC partnered with Lviv Hospital in Ukraine, to make mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) available to admitted patients, including individualized trauma therapy.

  3. Vous êtes-vous heurté·e à des difficultés dans la mise en œuvre des engagements contenus dans cette résolution?


    Difficultés rencontrées :
    Ressources humaines
    Contraintes en matière de financement
    Priorités concurrentes
    Absence de connaissances/compétences spécifiques

    Précisions au sujet des difficultés :

    – Human resources: limited expertise in the implementation of MHPSS activities (non-clinical) in the context of emergencies, leading to a significant learning curve for some personnel, availability for deployment of roster-based personnel/volunteers impacts capacity to respond to emergencies/crisis, multi crisis/emergencies has a toll on personnel’s wellbeing and mental health.
    – Funding constraints: provincial agreements/jurisdiction related to provision of mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies/crisis in the Canadian context makes it difficult to navigate and advance the MHPSS mandate in a way that is standardized across the country as the level of service provision/scope varies from province to province, response to response.
    – Competing priorities: funding for personnel remains limited.
    – Lack of specific knowledge/expertise: provision of MHPSS supports in emergencies is a niche area of specialization. Knowledge and experience in the field of emergency management and understanding of the role of CRC in the domestic context is key to ensure that personnel can navigate operations while also being able to implement mental health and psychosocial support activities.
    – Other: Multi-crisis events impacting same communities, including equity-deserving communities, represents an ongoing and increasing challenge as many of the MH and PSS models/activities/approaches are designed/conceived for singular events which may not always considered compounding impacts of emergencies.

  4. Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu une ou des incidences sur l’action et les orientations de votre État/Société nationale/institution ?


    Type d’incidence :
    La coopération entre le gouvernement/les autorités publiques et la Société nationale a été renforcée.
    Les programmes et les opérations sont devenus plus efficaces et plus efficients.
    Des outils/méthodes innovateurs ont été élaborés et sont utilisés.
    Des partenariats avec d’autres acteurs humanitaires ont été noués ou renforcés
    La mobilisation de ressources a été renforcée

    Précisions au sujet des incidences :

    – Cooperation between Government/public authorities and National Society has been strengthened: see examples outlining partnership between CRC and Canadian Government.
    – Programming and operations have become more effective and efficient: CRC has been able to expand its service scope, implementation, practices, and credibility. CRC increased its capacity for assessing mental health impacts of emergencies to communities, providing a baseline to develop evidence-informed service plans and approaches to address immediate MHPSS needs of people it supports. Inclusion of PGIE core components also strengthened MHPSS programming.
    – Innovative tools/methodologies have been developed and are utilized: CRC Friendly Calls Program (enhance social connection, reduce social isolation and respond to post-pandemic loneliness and changes in social care infrastructure). Development of reporting/tracking tools to measure outputs and impacts of MHPSS interventions across relief, recovery, and long-term programming.
    – Partnerships with other humanitarian actors have been created or enhanced: CRC works with partner agencies across Canada (CMHA Victoria, Tribal Councils in various locations) to build PFA capacity.
    – Increase in mobilization of resources: Post-Covid advocacy for funding with Canadian government – PHAC funded granting program, PHAC funding for Friendly Calls program.
    -Training and capacity of staff and volunteers has increased (for National Societies): as defined in PFA for all pledge reporting.

  5. Les engagements contenus dans cette résolution ont-ils eu des incidences sur les communautés auxquelles votre État/Société nationale/institution vient en aide ?


    Description des incidences :

    Full integration of MHPSS within the emergency management continuum has significantly impacted outcomes within communities affected by emergencies. Since 2020, CRC has delivered mental health and psychosocial support to over 80 response operations conducting over 155,000 contacts to impacted individuals.

    A recent evaluation of MHPSS in long-standing recovery highlighted significant impacts within communities affected by fires and floods, noting strengthened convening/coordination within the sector, navigational supports/accompaniment, and capacity building at the local level. These impacts have also been identified in subsequent events and within smaller/rural/remote communities where community-based MHPSS was critical to ensure recovery of people and communities supported.

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