
urban warfare protection of civilians

B) Plan d’action

Incidental harm to civilians caused by the use of explosive weapons in populated areas has increased significantly in recent years, as more conflicts take place in urban settings. The patterns of harm caused by the use of explosive weapons in populated areas include not only the immediate threat to civilian lives, but also the longer-term impact on critical infrastructure – which in turn may lead to or prolong the displacement of the local population in the area and exacerbate critical humanitarian situations.

Over the years, international humanitarian law has developed into a strong body of law that sets clear obligations for the parties to armed conflict to protect the civilian population. For instance, the fundamental principles of IHL prohibit directing attacks against civilians or civilian objects as such, as well as conducting indiscriminate attacks or attacks expected to cause disproportionate incidental harm to civilians. IHL also requires the parties the armed conflicts to take all feasible precautions to avoid or minimise incidental civilian harm caused by a military attack.

Nevertheless, we still see that the majority of victims of armed conflict are civilians. Norway therefore see the need to discuss and identify practical measures that may be taken to ensure full compliance with existing IHL obligations.

Action plan

  • Norway will work to identify practical measures in cooperation with military forces and in consultation with ICRC, Norcross and other states, on how to avoid or limit incidental civilian harm in situations where military operations are conducted in urban areas, based on experience from military operations.
  • On this basis, Norway will seek to contribute, as appropriate,  to international initiatives aimed increasing compliance with IHL by developing or consolidating practical guidelines

C) Indicateurs permettant de mesurer les avancées:


D) Ressources nécessaires:


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