
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

A) Objetivos de la promesa

‘The Malaysian Red Crescent Society as an auxiliary to the Malaysian government pledge to raise awareness and take action to prevent sexual and gender-based violence in times of disasters, emergencies and armed conflicts’


This pledge is based on the 3rd resolution of the 32nd International Conference of 2015 on ‘Sexual And Gender Based Violence: Joint Action On Prevention And Response.’


The Malaysian Red Crescent Society had made this pledge for the 32nd International Conference and wishes to further improve on it.


The 3rd resolution of the 32nd International Conference of 2015 on ‘Sexual And Gender Based Violence: Joint Action On Prevention And Response.’ addresses the monitoring and implementation of the commitments set out therein by condemning Sexual And Gender-Based Violence in all circumstances especially in situations of armed conflicts, disasters and other emergencies. Based on this statement, it is recognized that there are three general situations where Sexual And Gender-Based Violence occur and these are during period of armed conflicts, disasters and other emergencies. Thus, it is imperative that these three areas need to be highlighted.


At the same time, the resolution states that this resolution does not expand or modify the mandates, roles and responsibilities of the components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement as stated in the Statutes of the Movement. This includes the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. Hence, the responsibility of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society is limited to highlighting this serious issue on Sexual And Gender-Based Violence. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of those concerned within the State to act accordingly in addressing the issue. This include in ensuring that Sexual And Gender-Based Violence does not occur during period of armed conflicts, disasters and other emergencies. Additionally, in ensuring that the proper legal framework is applied within Malaysia.


This pledge ensures that proper dissemination of Sexual And Gender-Based Violence are being disseminated not merely among members of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society but also to members of other civil societies, NGOs, international organisations, various government departments and ministries, the Royal Malaysian Police, the Royal Malaysian Armed Forces, academicians and students at higher education level. The main target group are those who are involved in providing humanitarian assistance during period of disasters and those from among the military.


This pledge will also assist in highlighting the fact that although women and girls are disproportionately affected, men and boys can also be the victims/survivors of Sexual And Gender-Based Violence. Additionally, other factors such as age, disability, deprivation of liberty, displacement, religion, ethnicity, race and nationality may also contribute in the increase of such risk.


B) Plan de acción


– Detailed planning of all the relevant steps to be taken for the year 2021 to 2023, together with the technical support of the Sexual And Gender-Based Violence expert from both IFRC and ICRC.


– This may include the possible analysis of the legal framework for the purpose of providing the relevant foundation for the dissemination which is to be conducted to the various stakeholders.



– Joint training between representatives from the Malaysian Red Crescent Society and ICRC at strengthening the quality and depth of the dissemination which is to be conducted.


– Dissemination within the Malaysian Red Crescent Society to its members and decision makers. Two separate workshops are to be conducted. The first is to the representatives from the Malaysian Red Crescent Society states (branches) and the second is to the Board members and Chair of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society states (branches). Maximum of sixty pax for both workshops.


– Dissemination to the various stakeholders including the followings;

i. NGOs and International Organisations.

ii. Representatives from the various government departments and ministries in Malaysia.


– There will be two separate workshops based on the two groups as mentioned above. Both workshops are aimed at laying down the basic understanding of the concept of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. This may also be linked to the survivor centred approach and Sexual And Gender-Based Violence multisectoral response.


– This will be followed by another workshop which is meant for the selected representatives where a more detailed dissemination of Sexual And Gender-Based Violence within the Malaysian context and in comparison to that which are being conducted in other countries.


– Bilateral discussion with the National Security Council, National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) and other relevant stakeholders.



– Bilateral communication and discussion with public authority including the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) and those involved in the dissemination of International Humanitarian Law within the Royal Malaysian Armed Forces. The ICRC’s ‘Engaging With State Armed Forces To Prevent Sexual Violence’ toolkit may be referred to in the process.


– Dissemination to various NGOs and International Organisations. This is a follow-up workshop to that conducted in 2021.


– To conduct forum discussion with representatives from the various NGOs, International Organisations and representatives from the various relevant government ministries and departments. Among the major aims of the forum is to produce a report identifying the gaps/areas proposed to be strengthened within the existing Malaysian legal system on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. The report is to also address the manner in which the laws pertaining to Sexual and Gender Based Violence can be introduced or improved.



– To produce a formal report which is to be shared with the public authorities, NGOs and other stakeholders.


– Advocacy, engagements and technical support to the public authorities within Malaysia.


C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

The most important aspect in measuring the progress of this pledge is to highlight that Sexual and Gender-Based Violence occurs not only in times of armed conflict but also during other situation of violence and disasters.


It is also important that the target group for the intended dissemination to recognise that despite its prevalence, incidents of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence are often invisible. This may be caused by taboos, stigma, feeling of shame and guilt, fear of retribution and the unavailability of support or lack of information.


Victims/survivors need to be aware that support is available. The pre-condition to it is in ensuring that support is offered and relevant information are being distributed especially during period of armed conflict, other situation of violence and disasters.


Those disseminated need to also understand the root causes of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. This is to prevent and respond to such violence effectively.


The aim is not only to work towards the prevention and elimination of such violence but to also prepare the appropriate responses to potential victims/survivors prior to the occurrence of such incidents.


The public authorities, the relevant organisations, NGOs, civil societies etc need to make all the possible efforts to prevent, detect, investigate and liaise with the appropriate authorities concerning such cases.


– The number of workshops organised and training conducted.


– The number of attendees from the various International Organisations and government departments and ministries.


– The effectiveness of identifying the areas which need to be strengthen within the existing legal structure in Malaysia.


– Outcome report of the workshops up to 2023.


– Implications of the report of the workshops.


D) Recursos requeridos:

Kindly refer to the document attached.

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