
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 7: Disaster laws and policies that leave no one behind (33IC/19/R7) – Georgia

  1. Has your State/National Society/Institution incorporated the commitments contained in this resolution into the relevant strategic or operational plans?


    The commitments are incorporated into:
    Operational plan

    At the National level


    During the reporting period set by the IHL Implementation Action plan, within the framework of the project financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), in order to improve the prediction and early warning systems of natural events:


    • 139 units of stationary automatic stations for meteorological and hydrological observation were purchased, among which 107 units have already been installed in representative locations of Western Georgia. At present, the process of their installation and integration into the information-telecommunication system is actively being carried out in the rest of the country;
    • A high performance computer (HPC) for the weather forecasting system has been purchased and is functioning properly;
    • Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) maintenance and implementation actions in the National Environmental Agency (the Agency) were conducted;
    • Within the framework of the project 2 high-resolution meteorological radars were installed, which cover most of the territory of Georgia. This significantly improved the accuracy of predicting heavy precipitation and related floods;
    • A flood forecasting platform has been created, which currently operates in test mode – the platform is undergoing calibration and verification and implementation of hydrological and hydraulic modeling is underway. In addition, A flood modeling forecasting system has been implemented for the river basins of Western Georgia;
    • Georgia became a cooperating state of the European National Center for Medium-Term Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The agency effectively uses the synoptic products provided by the organization in the process of preparing weather forecasts and warnings. Also, in order to improve their qualifications, the employees of the agency have the opportunity to regularly participate in training courses planned by the organization.
    • Modern geological monitoring equipment was installed throughout the country at 11 large landslide locations.
    • Geological hazards (landslide, mudflow) zoning maps were prepared for 10 major river basins of Georgia.
    • Nationwide hazard maps for floods, snow avalanches, droughts, windstorms, and hailstorms have been developed.


  2. Has your State/National Society/Institution been working with other partners to implement the commitments contained in this resolution?


    Partner with:
    National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in your country
    Government and/or public authorities

  3. Have you encountered any challenges in implementing the commitments contained in this resolution?

  4. Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the work and direction of your State/National Society/Institution?


    Type of Impact:
    Cooperation between Government/public authorities and National Society has been strengthened

    Details about the impact:

    As a result of the implementation of the above-mentioned activities, climate forecasting and, accordingly, preventive measures of climate-induced disasters have been further refined.

  5. Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the communities that your State/National Society/Institution serves?


    Description of the impact:

    Improved disaster forecasting methods and tools are essential in the process of protecting population from climate-induced disasters. Therefore, such tools will play a major role in preventing future disasters.

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