A) Objectives of the pledge:
1. Continuing to support the establishing of national mechanisms that seek to strengthen implementation of IHL;
2. Striving to enhance cooperation on IHL with relevant stakeholders at the domestic level; and
3. Promoting peer to peer exchanges between IHL focal points at the sub-regional level.
B) Action plan:
- Continue supporting the co-hosting of the Annual Regional IHL Seminar by the ICRC and the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation in the period 2020 – 2023;
- Initiate sub-regional working groups within the Annual Regional IHL Seminar for relevant peer-to-peer discussions, which can be continued through National IHL Committees;
- Support the rotational chairship system for the Annual Regional IHL Seminar commencing in 2021;
- Work towards the establishment of various national mechanisms on the implementation of IHL, including drafting of annual national IHL work plans; and
- Broaden engagement on IHL at the national level, notably with National Parliaments.
C) Indicators for measuring progress:
Member States are expected to voluntarily present their country report about the progress they have made at the national level during the Regional Seminar Meeting.
D) Resource implications: