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Restoring Family Links

A) Objectives of the pledge:

National Societies taking part in this pledge commit to support the resolution on Restoring Family Links (RFL) while respecting privacy, including as it relates to personal data protection, the Movement’s Restoring Family Links Strategy 2020-2025 and all applicable legislation and Statutes. This pledge aims to promote collaboration in strengthening RFL.


B) Action plan:

  1. Participation of affected people in the development of RFL services by developing project cycle tool aimed at systematizing existing practices and taking into consideration the voice of the beneficiaries.
  2. Investment in strengthening regional RFL capacity and response by collaborating with other National Societies in the region with a view to sharing information, best practices and peer to peer support.
  3. Protection of individuals by protecting their personal data as provided for in the Movement guidelines, national legislation, international legal instruments and all enabling legislation.
  4. Systematic and targeted promotion and communication by putting in place a Public Relation and Communication unit which guides/coordinate its communication both internally and externally aligned to the Movement’s Fundamental Principles.
  5. Mobilization and partnership with other from private, institutional or Movement actors and creating a stronger network for support, resource mobilization, innovation, information sharing and collaboration.
  6. Focusing on RFL needs within the context of Migration together with Movement partners by organizing a workshop on Restoring Family Links in Detention.


C) Indicators for measuring progress:

Number of workshops, meetings and stakeholders forum held.


D) Resource implications:

National Societies commit to engage its human and other resources in ensuring the overall objective is achieved.