The first-ever Movement Migration Strategy

April 2024

Migrants are facing many challenges in the current climate of securitization, restrictive migration policies and discrimination. With little access to safe options, many migrants are exposed to risk and harm in different situations – including along dangerous migration routes on land and at sea, at borders, in transit and destination countries, in camps, in detention and, in some cases, upon their return. In this context, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement needs to adopt a strong, coordinated and coherent position for action on migration. With a view to responding effectively and flexibly to the needs of migrants and the challenges they face, the Movement is set to adopt its first-ever Migration Strategy at the next Council of Delegates in October 2024.

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Towards a Movement Strategy on Migration

June 2022

Blog on the Global Migration Leadership Group and COD Resolution Addressing the humanitarian needs of migrants in vulnerable situations and those impacted by migration has been a priority of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent (RCRC) Movement (‘the Movement’) for decades. The commitment and role of the Movement in relation to migration has been […]

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