
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 5: Women and leadership in the humanitarian action of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (33IC/19/R5) – Belarus Red Cross

  1. ¿ Ha incorporado el Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución los empeños contenidos en esta resolución en los planes estratégicos u operativos pertinentes?

    Los compromisos han sido incorporados en

    A regional, nacional, local nivel



    In order to implement the Resolution “Women and leadership in the humanitarian action of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement” the Belarus Red Cross has done the following work.

    1. A mechanism for integrating the principle of gender balance into the local acts of the national society was developed and put into practice. Thus, the documents adopted in 2023 (Migration Policy, Child Protection Policy, Policy on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Violence, etc.) included the principle of gender equality and non-discrimination on gender.
    2. In the area of human resources management and personnel policy, in order to increase the representation of women at all levels of management, the Belarus Red Cross accepted the commitments to exclude the possibility of any form of discrimination, i.e. limitation of rights or obtaining any advantages based on gender, race, national and social origin, as well as other circumstances unrelated to the specifics of the functions performed. These requirements were set down in the adopted Human Resources Management Policy of the Belarus Red Cross.
    3. At the level of regional organizations of the Belarus Red Cross, which have the status of an independent legal entity, as well as the HQ of the Belarus Red Cross, a 70% representation of women leaders has been achieved.

  2. Ha trabajado el Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución con otros asociados para poner en práctica los empeños contenidos en esta resolución?

  3. ¿Ha habido dificultades para poner en práctica los empeños contenidos en esta resolución?

  4. ¿Han incidido los empeños contenidos en esta resolución en el trabajo y la dirección del Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución?

    Tipo de repercusión:
    establecimiento o fortalecimiento de asociaciones con otros actores humanitarios

    Describa detalladamente las repercusiones:

    The implementation of the Resolution has enabled the Belarus Red Cross to expand the level of cooperation with other non-governmental humanitarian organizations and to sign new partnership agreements.

  5. 5. Han incidido los empeños contenidos en esta resolución en las comunidades a las que el Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución presta servicios?

    Describa las repercusiones:

    Putting the Resolution’s norms into practice contributes to increasing outreach to local communities, represented mainly by women, which will attract more women volunteers and staff to NS.

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