
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 3: Time to act: Tackling epidemics and pandemics together (33IC/19/R3) – Austrian Red Cross

  1. ¿ Ha incorporado el Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución los empeños contenidos en esta resolución en los planes estratégicos u operativos pertinentes?

    Los compromisos han sido incorporados en
    plan operativo

    A regional, nacional, local nivel


    Austrian Red Cross is following a multi-hazard approach in disaster and crises management. Therefore, we have always been preparing for worst case scenarios (HILPs) and our strategic and operational plans only needed minor adaptation to tackle epidemics and pandemics.

    In accordance with paragraph 5 of the resolution, the response as well as preparedness plans were adopted based on data, for example by working with mobility data which was used to track the movement of people and to be able to predict possible hotspots of infections.

    Only a few weeks after the resolution was adopted by the 33rd IC, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world and demanded the strengthening of the cooperation between state authorities and Red Cross societies.

    From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Austrian Red Cross has been involved in the national crises management which involves every level authority in Austria. In fulfillment of our auxiliary role, a number of advisory and operational support tasks was delivered with the Austrian government.

    Furthermore, the auxiliary role to the public authorities was exercised by the Austrian Red Cross as operative organization responding to the pandemic. Furthermore, the AutRC collaborated closely with the authorities on any level in the design of new legislative texts and measures. For example, the Epidemics Act authorizes specially qualified persons – in particular paramedics – to assist the authorities in the response.

    Relating to paragraph 8 of the resolution, target-group-specific psychosocial and mental health guidelines and information for numerous target groups were developed to be implemented and distributed during pandemics/epidemics through the federal crises management structure at national level.

  2. Ha trabajado el Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución con otros asociados para poner en práctica los empeños contenidos en esta resolución?

    En asociación con:
    gobierno y/o autoridades públicas
    asociados en los ámbitos humanitario y de desarrollo (por ejemplo, Naciones Unidas, organizaciones no gubernamentales)

    Ejemplos de cooperación:

    Close collaboration with every level of authorities and with other humanitarian and emergency organizations in the country.

  3. ¿Ha habido dificultades para poner en práctica los empeños contenidos en esta resolución?

    Dificultades en relación con:
    conflicto de prioridades

    Describa detalladamente estas dificultades:

    We are dealing with differing perceptions of risks on the federal level. Although a pandemic outbreak was rated as the highest risk in national risk analyses, authorities decided to direct main resources mostly to the preparation of other risks.

  4. ¿Han incidido los empeños contenidos en esta resolución en el trabajo y la dirección del Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución?

    Tipo de repercusión:
    fortalecimiento de la cooperación entre el gobierno o las autoridades públicas y la Sociedad Nacional
    desarrollo y uso de herramientas o metodologías innovadoras

    Describa detalladamente las repercusiones:

    In order to be able to fulfil the commitments of the resolution in regards to epidemic and pandemic outbreaks, AutRC only needed to slightly adapt because we are working based on a multi-hazard approach as outlined above.

  5. 5. Han incidido los empeños contenidos en esta resolución en las comunidades a las que el Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución presta servicios?

    Describa las repercusiones:

    As the Austrian RC is literally anywhere in Austria and the main actor in health response, every improvement of our system directly translates into a higher impact on communities.

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