
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 1: Bringing IHL home: A road map for better national implementation of international humanitarian law (33IC/19/R1) – Australian Red Cross

  1. ¿ Ha incorporado el Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución los empeños contenidos en esta resolución en los planes estratégicos u operativos pertinentes?

    Los compromisos han sido incorporados en
    plan operativo

    A internacional, regional, nacional nivel


    National Level:

    – Working alongside the Australian Government on drafting Australia’s voluntary report on IHL implementation.

    – Increased IHL training and dissemination efforts to a range of stakeholders, focused particularly on those that have a footprint in armed conflict or a role to play in the understanding and interpretation fo IHL in Australia, including the Government, military, private, legal and humanitarian sectors as well as Australian Red Cross staff and volunteers.

    – Working collaboratively with all members of the National IHL Committee to reinvigorate its working modalities and functions.

    – Providing submissions to Australian Government and Parliamentary inquiries on IHL related matters including: counter terrorism and sanctions, defence trade controls, military assistance, current situations of armed conflict, and the rights of women, children and persons with disabilities in armed conflict.


    – Co-leading a Pacific Partnership to enhance collaboration between National IHL Committees and States looking to establish such committees in the Pacific Region.

    – Participation and presentation at Regional and International Conferences – including presenting at the Sixth Commonwealth Conference, National Society Legal Advisers meetings, Australian New Zealand Society of International Law conferences.

    – Providing briefings, expert opinions and submissions to corporate actors, including private business entities and international standards and regulatory bodies, on matters concerning the application of IHL to business activities in conflict situations.

  2. Ha trabajado el Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución con otros asociados para poner en práctica los empeños contenidos en esta resolución?

    En asociación con:
    gobierno y/o autoridades públicas
    CICR/Federación Internacional
    otras Sociedades Nacionales de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja
    asociados en los ámbitos humanitario y de desarrollo (por ejemplo, Naciones Unidas, organizaciones no gubernamentales)
    mundo académico
    otros asociados

    Ejemplos de cooperación:

    – Provided more than three joint submissions (with ICRC and IFRC) to Government and Parliamentary inquiries on counter terrorism, sanctions and other restrictive measures.

    – Worked closely with ICRC Mission in Australia on IHL work with Government.

    – Cooperate with Government on IHL training to public officials.

    – Working closely with Government on IHL matters, including through the National IHL Committee.

    – Working to enhance collaboration with National Societies in the Pacific on National IHL Committees.

    – Working with corporate actors to broaden IHL dissemination to the private sector, including the energy and resources sector, finance and responsible investment sector, and governance and compliance bodies.

    – Working with humanitarian organisations to measure the impact of IHL knowledge and training, developing an IHL Knowledge Framework, and progressing further research into the value and impact of IHL knowledge and training within the humanitarian sector in Australia.

    – Delivering an annual training course on International Law and Humanitarian Action to Government, Australian Defence Force, and Humanitarian participants, in partnership with the Australian Defence Force Indo-Pacific Centre for Military Law, and biannual IHL Symposiums with the Australian Humanitarian Sector.

    – Working with Australian humanitarian organisations to deliver a series of ‘IHL in Context’ webinars.
    Cooperating with academic institutions and individuals to further IHL debate and education.
    Partnering with the ICRC on the digital emblem project.

  3. ¿Ha habido dificultades para poner en práctica los empeños contenidos en esta resolución?

    Dificultades en relación con:
    limitaciones de financiación
    conflicto de prioridades

    Describa detalladamente estas dificultades:

    – Competing priorities amongst different stakeholders.

    – Lack of incentive due to strained resources and competing priorities

  4. ¿Han incidido los empeños contenidos en esta resolución en el trabajo y la dirección del Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución?

    Tipo de repercusión:
    fortalecimiento de la cooperación entre el gobierno o las autoridades públicas y la Sociedad Nacional
    desarrollo y uso de herramientas o metodologías innovadoras
    formación y capacidad de los miembros del personal y de los voluntarios (en el caso de las Sociedades Nacionales);

    Describa detalladamente las repercusiones:

    – Australian Red Cross and the Australian Government have strengthened their cooperation through the process of drafting Australia’s voluntary report on IHL Implementation, led by the Government and supported by Australian Red Cross.

    – Australian Red Cross has partnered with the private and academic sectors in Australia to produce a series of innovative tools, aimed at enhancing IHL awareness and implementation among private business entities and non-law tertiary institutions, such as business schools.

    – Australian Red Cross continues to work closely with Australian humanitarian organisations to progress further research into the value and impact of IHL knowledge and training within the humanitarian sector in Australia, to better understand the most effective ways for humanitarians to learn about and embed IHL into their standard policies and practices.

  5. 5. Han incidido los empeños contenidos en esta resolución en las comunidades a las que el Estado/la Sociedad Nacional/la institución presta servicios?

El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja y la Comisión Permanente de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja –en su función de órgano mandatario de la Conferencia Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (la Conferencia)– no pueden asumir responsabilidad alguna, bajo ningún concepto, por contenidos o publicaciones que generen los usuarios en esta base de datos. El equipo responsable del sitio web se reserva el derecho de eliminar cualquier publicación o contenido que considere incompatible con los Principios Fundamentales del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja.