
Youth and Humanitarian Perspectives for an Agenda on Nuclear Disarmament

A) Objetivos de la promesa

We, the members of the International Conference,

Recognizing the importance of addressing the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of to any use of nuclear weapons in a multilateral context in which, States, RCRC National Societies and civil society co-operate in a spirit of mutual confidence and good faith,

Welcoming that the international community in providing a humanitarian framework to the nuclear disarmament agenda, which has led, inter alia, to the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW),

Reminding that the indisputable evidence of catastrophic impacts of nuclear weapons makes it extremely doubtful that their use could ever comply with international humanitarian law,

Reaffirming also that the full and effective implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which remains the cornerstone of the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime, has a vital role to play in promoting international peace and security,

B) Plan de acción

  1. Pledge to involve young generations, as agents of behavioral change, in the debate around the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and to empower youth to continue building a world free of nuclear weapons;
  2. Pledge to continue raising awareness about the catastrophic humanitarian impact of any use of nuclear weapons on both humanity and the natural environment, committing to prevent any forms of human suffering.
  3. According to our respective capacities and in compliance with the Fundamental principles, pledge to reaffirm the humanitarian rationale that motivated the development of the NPT in the first place, and to co-operate to achieve the urgent implementation of long-standing nuclear risk reduction and disarmament commitments and obligations at the 2020 Review Conference of the Parties to the NPT;
  4. Pledge to promote adherence to and full implementation of the TPNW as a crucial step towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons, and in States unable to join the TPNW at this time, to promote interim steps to prevent the use of nuclear weapons, in accordance with long-standing commitments.

C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

Submission of report by members party to the pledge.

D) Recursos requeridos:

El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja y la Comisión Permanente de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja –en su función de órgano mandatario de la Conferencia Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (la Conferencia)– no pueden asumir responsabilidad alguna, bajo ningún concepto, por contenidos o publicaciones que generen los usuarios en esta base de datos. El equipo responsable del sitio web se reserva el derecho de eliminar cualquier publicación o contenido que considere incompatible con los Principios Fundamentales del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja.