
Training of officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation

A) Objetivos de la promesa

The Belgian authorities and Belgian Red Cross are convinced that the dissemination of international humanitarian law in time of peace contributes significantly to a better respect of the law in situations of armed conflict.

In accordance with the obligation of States to disseminate international humanitarian law as laid down by the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, the Belgian authorities in cooperation with the Belgian Red Cross, pledge to continue their efforts in disseminating and training in international humanitarian law towards officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, in particular those involved in the implementation of international humanitarian law.

B) Plan de acción

    • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation and the Belgian Red Cross organize an annual meeting to discuss how the dissemination of international humanitarian law is incorporated in the different trainings for officials and to consult each other on the role the Belgian Red Cross can potentially play in these trainings.


    • The Belgian Red Cross annually offers a briefing on the general principles and rules of international humanitarian law and/or on a specific topic for the officials of the Ministry of Foreign affairs and Development Cooperation.



C) Indicadores para medir los avances:


D) Recursos requeridos:


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