
Strengthening the legal framework and increasing the respect for the protective emblems

A) Objetivos de la promesa

Taking into account the relevant provisions of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols on the use and protection of the emblems and the current Belgian law of 4 July 1956 on the protection of designations, signs and emblems of the Red Cross, and considering the ongoing infringements on the use of the emblems within the Belgian territory despite the above-mentioned legislation, the Belgian Government and the Belgian Red Cross will strengthen their cooperation to reaffirm the importance to respect the emblems and their designations at any time in order to ensure an effective protection of victims of armed conflicts.


The Belgian Government hereby commits to assessing and considering the review of the current legal framework and considers the establishment of a compliance mechanism for the follow-up of misuse of the emblems and their designations. Belgian Red Cross, in its auxiliary role which consists in cooperating with the national authorities to ensure respect for IHL and protect the distinctive emblems, commits to support the Belgian Government in the development of the actions as mentioned above.


In addition, the Belgian Red Cross and Belgian Government pledge to continue their dialogue on all matters related to the respect of the emblem in order to ensure respect for the emblems and their designations at all times.


B) Plan de acción

By 2023


Belgium commits, with the support of the Belgian Red Cross, to:

– Assessing the current legal framework on the protection and use of the emblems and suggesting recommendations to improve the compliance with it;


– Considering the review of the legal framework on the protection and use of the emblems by clarifying the possible uses of the emblem and which actors within Belgium can use the emblem;


– Defining the shared responsibilities on the follow-up to the protection of the emblem and their designations between the Belgian Government and the Belgian Red Cross.


Belgium and the Belgian Red Cross commit to:

– Setting up a compliance mechanism for files related to the misuse of the emblems and their designations;


– Examining the possibilities for sensitization in Belgium on the rules related to the protective emblems.


C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

to be determined

D) Recursos requeridos:

to be determined

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