
Strengthening RFL services within the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and cooperation between the components of the Movement and States

A) Objetivos de la promesa

In order to help address the needs of separated families and the families of missing persons, the components of the Movement must be able to rely on a strong global network and close cooperation with States. This pledge aims to strengthen this network, the partnerships between its members, and the mutual support between them and their national authorities.


This pledge aims to ensure the strength of the Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society to increase cooperation, coordination and information exchange at both operational and strategic levels. The Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society will share good practices, develop tools, ensure implementation

B) Plan de acción

The Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society ensures that its management and all relevant departments are fully aware of the Restoring Family Links Strategy 2020–2025.

C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

The Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society will carry out dissemination meetings on the Restoring Family Links strategy (2020-2025).


D) Recursos requeridos:

  • Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society volunteers and staff trained in RFL.
  • Information technology to carry out trainings, information management and data protection.
  • Support and advice from the ICRC for the development of audiovisual material, cooperation, coordination and knowledge transfer.


Archivos adjuntos:

El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja y la Comisión Permanente de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja –en su función de órgano mandatario de la Conferencia Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (la Conferencia)– no pueden asumir responsabilidad alguna, bajo ningún concepto, por contenidos o publicaciones que generen los usuarios en esta base de datos. El equipo responsable del sitio web se reserva el derecho de eliminar cualquier publicación o contenido que considere incompatible con los Principios Fundamentales del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja.