
National Society development: Strong and effective local humanitarian actors

A) Objetivos de la promesa

The objective of the pledge is to increase support to the Georgia Red Cross Society for the development as a strong, effective, and principled local humanitarian actor in Georgia.


The National Society Development (NSD) process is central for the Georgia Red Cross Society (GRCS, National Society) to effectively respond to disasters, humanitarian crises as well as to other situations of violence in coordination with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement) partners and the State authorities. The Georgia Red Cross Society as auxiliary to public authorities is always on guard, prepared, and able to perform at scale to challenges and needs that local communities face. Therefore, investing in strengthening the local capacity of the National Society is crucial to display strong Red Cross performance in the country.


The National Society Development has been put high on the agenda of the Georgia Red Cross Society’s leadership; therefore, it has been supported and led by the National Society’s leadership which is essential in order to strengthen capacities of branches: volunteers and staff, local communities, to support them in gaining knowledge and expertise for relevant humanitarian assistance to the affected people. The Georgia Red Cross Society’s branches are first responders to address humanitarian challenges, they deliver services to vulnerable communities and contribute to stability at the local level. Additionally, the global Movement network and support contribute to the global capacity strengthening to manage the risks and impact of disasters, emergencies, and crises.


Without investment in the National Society development process, it is difficult to access the resources that the National Society needs and to mobilize investment on its own for organizational development. This underpins a collective response from both States and Movement partners in line with the Grand Bargain commitment[1] to increase and support multi-year investment in the institutional capacities of local and national responders.


[1] The Localization Commitment reads: “Increase and support multi-year investment in the institutional capacities of local and national responders, including preparedness, response, and coordination capacities, especially in fragile contexts and where communities are vulnerable to armed conflicts, disasters, recurrent outbreaks and the effects of climate change. We should achieve this through collaboration with development partners and incorporate capacity strengthening in partnership agreements.” (accessed at

B) Plan de acción

– Making human and financial resources available for the development of the Georgia Red Cross Society to ensure successful implementation of its mission;


– Supporting the Georgia Red Cross Society in obtaining a new headquarters building to fulfill its mandate successfully;


– Allocating a percentage of the annual budget as annual income for the Georgia Red Cross Society so that the National Society in Georgia can fulfill its mandate successfully, including the provision of services in peacetime and during emergencies, as well as enhance disaster preparedness and response;


– Facilitating access to resources through tax exemptions and specific legislation in this regard;


– Facilitating tax exemption or tax deductibility for donations from individuals and/or companies to the Georgia Red Cross Society;


– Facilitating access by the Georgia Red Cross Society to funds generated by the Government for non-profit organizations (such as the distribution of lottery proceeds);


– Strengthening the Georgia Red Cross Society by contributing and supporting the National Society Investment Alliance (NSIA),[1] the joint IFRC and ICRC funding mechanism investing directly in National Societies to support capacity development;


– Allocating resources to the National Society’s international activities, specifically earmarked for National Society development, as a commitment to strengthening local actors.


[1] The National Society Investment Alliance (NSIA) is an independent pooled-funding mechanism providing flexible multi-year financing and support for the development of the National Red Cross and Red Cross Societies, strengthening their capacity to deliver humanitarian services within local communities. This includes a) support for organizational development, technical capacity development and increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of services in line with the mission of the Movement and its Fundamental Principles, b) strengthening leadership, governance and systems at all organizational levels within National Societies so that they are accountable and transparent, and c) increasing National Societies’ capacity to develop adaptive financial and business development strategies to generate diversified resources and enhance organizational sustainability.

C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

– %Human and financial resources available for the development of the Georgia Red Cross Society;


– Georgia Red Cross new HQs building;


– %funds allocated from the annual budget as annual income for the Georgia Red Cross Society;


– % of resources received through tax exemptions upon specific legislation in this regard;


– % of deducted taxes or resources received from the tax exemption for donations from individuals and/or companies to the Georgia Red Cross Society;


– % of resources contributed to the NSIA to support directly the Georgia Red Cross Society capacity development;


– % of resources allocated to the Georgia Red Cross Society’s activities at the international level, specifically earmarked for the development of the National Society;


– # of meetings with the relevant government structures and key stakeholders;


– Georgia Red Cross progress reports, media coverage, and feedback from partners and service receivers.


D) Recursos requeridos:

International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement will define the resources that will be required to implement this pledge based on the objective and actions of the pledge

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