
Increase our understanding of and operational capabilities in the humanitarian urban context

A) Objetivos de la promesa

The German Red Cross and the Government of Germany pledge to increase our understanding of and operational capabilities in humanitarian assistance in urban contexts through research supported by field tests in all regions as well as exchange and advocacy with the wider humanitarian community.

Within the overarching title of IC33 ”Act today, shape tomorrow” this pledge is related to the thematic area ”Shifting vulnerabilities (building safe and inclusive urban communities)”.

The objectives to be achieved in the period 2019–2023: Humanitarian assistance in the urban context – as a thematic area in the German as well as in the international context – is strengthened through new or improved exchange formats and platforms. New or improved approaches, such as methods to operationalize innovative tools for context analysis and project development, have been developed and tested.

B) Plan de acción

New or improved approaches for humanitarian assistance in the urban context will be available by the end of 2022.

C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

  • At least two approaches to strengthen humanitarian assistance in the urban context have been tested and developed (or developed further). Experiences have been shared through reports and presentations within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the wider humanitarian community.
  • Recommendations to implement tested approaches have been developed and shared.
  • Contributions have been delivered at international conferences and platforms raising awareness for the specific requirements of humanitarian assistance in the urban context.

D) Recursos requeridos:

Support from National Societies will be required to field test promising approaches and methods.

El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja y la Comisión Permanente de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja –en su función de órgano mandatario de la Conferencia Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (la Conferencia)– no pueden asumir responsabilidad alguna, bajo ningún concepto, por contenidos o publicaciones que generen los usuarios en esta base de datos. El equipo responsable del sitio web se reserva el derecho de eliminar cualquier publicación o contenido que considere incompatible con los Principios Fundamentales del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja.