
Hosting of a European Regional Conference of National IHL Committees in Vienna in 2020

A) Objetivos de la promesa

Austria and the Austrian Red Cross strongly support the resolution “Bringing IHL home: A road map for better national implementation of international humanitarian law”. We therefore pledge to host a regional conference of the European national IHL committees in Vienna in 2020, in close cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). This conference will facilitate an exchange of best practices and strengthen cooperation in Europe with regard to the implementation of IHL. The conference will build on the experience of the fourth universal meeting of national committees and similar entities held in Geneva in 2016, as well as of other regional and sub-regional meetings. It is also aimed at encouraging states and national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies to establish national IHL committees in states that have not yet done so.

B) Plan de acción

Austria and the Austrian Red Cross will organise the conference in Vienna, most likely in October 2020, and invite European national IHL committees as well as authorities of European states, which have not yet established national IHL committees.

C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

A summary report on the outcome of the conference will be produced.

D) Recursos requeridos:

Austria will provide the conference venue and organise a reception for the participants. The Austrian Red Cross will provide catering for the conference.

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