

A) Objetivos de la promesa

Jointly with the  RA government, we pledge:

  • To foster the development of FA legislative base contributing to the dissemination of FA knowledge and building of more resilient society

B) Plan de acción

  • In cooperation with RA Government, particularly the Ministry of Emergency Situations, DRR National Platform, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports and Ministry of Health initiate the awareness raising on FA and advocate for relevant changes in legal framework, e.g. revision of the Law on Medical Aid and Service of Population, integration of relevant changes in the Labour Code, change of driving license provision procedures regarding the FA component integration.
  • Advocate for integration of FA component in the Law on Medical Aid and Service of Population.
  • In cooperation with all relevant partners ensure that the FA trainings provided in RA are aligned with accepted international standards.
  • Achieve the acceptance of ARCS as a leading expert in FA, consider ARCS as a key partner for the MoH in the area of First Aid
  • Participate in the discussion of the relevant laws, juridical documents and other legislative norms.
  • Actively participate in relevant meetings and initiatives
  • Cooperate with IFRC for getting support regarding FA through technical assistance, capacity building, advocacy, ongoing research and promotion of the sharing of experiences and best practices among countries.

C) Indicadores para medir los avances:

  • In cooperation with RA Government, particularly the Ministry of Emergency Situations, DRR National Platform, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports and Ministry of Health initiate the awareness raising on FA and advocate for relevant changes in legal framework, e.g. revision of the Law on Medical Aid and Service of Population, integration of relevant changes in the Labour Code, change of driving license provision procedures regarding the FA component integration.
  • Advocate for integration of FA component in the Law on Medical Aid and Service of Population.
  • In cooperation with all relevant partners ensure that the FA trainings provided in RA are aligned with accepted international standards.
  • Achieve the acceptance of ARCS as a leading expert in FA, consider ARCS as a key partner for the MoH in the area of First Aid
  • Participate in the discussion of the relevant laws, juridical documents and other legislative norms.
  • Actively participate in relevant meetings and initiatives
  • Cooperate with IFRC for getting support regarding FA through technical assistance, capacity building, advocacy, ongoing research and promotion of the sharing of experiences and best practices among countries.

D) Recursos requeridos:

Technical support, available materials, experts experience, consultation, financial resources

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